Soak Quotes
Governments, of course, can - and do - soak the rich.
I really wanted to soak it in. Everyone is so quick to get off (of the ice), but we work so hard for this. It's nice to take two minutes to enjoy your accomplishments.
Some people are so dry that you might soak them in a joke for a month and it would not get through their skins.
I don't like to see things on purpose. I like them to soak in. A friend . . . asked me to go to the top of the Empire State Building once, and I told him that he shouldn't treat New York as a sight-it's feeling, an emotional experience. And the same with every place else.
I stopped in the full force of a patch of sunlight in the lobby window and let my skin soak up the energy. I hadn’t realized I needed it until it reached inside and stilled me in a way that only David’s touch had been able to achieve. “Why does that feel so good?” I asked. “And don’t tell me it’s because we’ve been shut in a room for days.” “Like calls to like,” he said. “You’re made of fire now.” “So I’m going to feel like this every time I pass an open flame? Great. Firegasm.
A horse that has made a positive change in his behavior needs an opportunity to soak, to concentrate on & digest what he has learned. He needs his quiet time. Given this opportunity, his response will be better the next time you work with him.
Soak in the history. Embrace the challenge. And feed off the hostility of the crowd.