Productivity Quotes
The objective of social change might concern the nutritional standard of consumption, the economic standard of living, the type of group relation, the output of a factory, the productivity of an educational team. It is important that a social standard to be changed does not have the nature of a 'thing' but of a 'process.'.
Kurt Lewin
We undertook a huge internal transformation to sharpen our customer focus, step up innovation, improve productivity to ensure competitiveness, change our culture, and simplify our ways of working so that our size and scale became a competitive advantage rather than a bureaucratic hangover after years of diversification.
Frans van Houten
As a general principle, the American people would be well served by the active pursuit of effective policies to support longer-run growth in productivity.
Janet Yellen
You cannot eat every tadpole and frog in the pond, but you can eat the biggest and ugliest one, and that will be enough, at least for the time being.
Brian Tracy
Less cars on the road means productivity and jobs growth, as it allows for the more efficient movement of goods and services and encourages greater urban population density.
Anthony Albanese
Growth without diversification, technological improvement, and increased productivity is easily reversed: all it takes is a dip in commodity prices.
Arancha Gonzalez
The major incentive to productivity and efficiency are social and moral rather than financial.
Peter Drucker
The country has to change. Productivity in Australia more generally has got to improve. Some of the highest manufacturing costs in the world are coming out of Australia.
Ian McLeod
Economists largely confine themselves to three key factors - capital, labor and productivity - when explaining how and why a country grows.
Ben Miles
Productivity depends on many factors, including our workforce's knowledge and skills and the quantity and quality of the capital, technology, and infrastructure that they have to work with.
Janet Yellen
Nobody is suggesting that the NHS doesn't have to reform, nobody is suggesting that it doesn't have to become more efficient, that productivity growth doesn't have to become positive … The only difference is that in health, because of the demographic pressure, the savings will all – and more – have to be reinvested in delivering more healthcare.
Philip Hammond
Stronger productivity growth would tend to raise the average level of interest rates and, therefore, would provide the Federal Reserve with greater scope to ease monetary policy in the event of a recession.
Janet Yellen
Many business leaders still believe that time on-task equates to productivity. Even in the industrial era of rote factory work, this was untrue. It is a misguided fallacy, and an expensive one, too. Every key facet required for business success will fail when sleep becomes short within an organisation.
Matthew Walker
Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.
Franz Kafka
In this country over the last five years pay has doubled, whereas output has slightly fallen. That is totally different from the position with many of our competitors. Pay in those countries has gone up hand in hand with productivity. Consequently, they have the jobs and we have a larger proportion of the unemployment.
Margaret Thatcher
You don't have a very motivated working class, it starts to affect the dynamics of the economy. If workers are disenchanted and disenfranchised, productivity losses will go along with that.
James Sinegal
Where there is a will there is a way. Have faith in oneself and productivity will follow. nothing can stop you once you realize what it is you are trying to do. there will always be a way, given the right amount of time one can do anything. Never hesitate to do what it takes.
Zac Brown Band
In Europe and in America, people are now more interested in the cost of quality and in systems of quality-audit. But in Japan, we are keeping very strong interest to improve quality by use of methods which you started....when we improve quality we also improve productivity, just as you told us in 1950 would happen.
W. Edwards Deming