Shells Quotes
Major, send a shell first over their heads and let them get in their holes before you open with all your guns.
Involved in my own entrails and a crust Turning a pitted surface towards a space, I am a world that watches through a sky And is persuaded by mirrors To regard its being as an external shell, One of a universe of stars and faces.
The trouble with Germans is not that they fire shells, but that they engrave them with quotations from Kant.
If you love an addle egg as well as you love an idle head, you would eat chickens i' th' shell.
England Their England by AG Macdonell which was written in the thirties and is about a young Scotsman who's got shell shocked during the First World War I love it.
I've learned that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
As soon as we get out of our urban shell, we're still at the mercy of nature as individuals.
Shells sink, dreams float. Life's good on our boat.
Events are only the shells of ideas; and often it is the fluent thought of ages that is crystallized in a moment by the stroke of a pen or the point of a bayonet.
When I think of how things could have turned out, I feel as if I've dodged, not just bullets, but 6mm shells.
One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach.
[My kitten] is dressed in a tortoise-shell suit, and I know you will delight in her.
There were big geysers coming up where the shells were landing and there were bodies floating, face down, face up.
This was the home of the great god Pain, and for the first time I looked through a devilish chink into the depths of his realm. And fresh shells came down all the time.
The body on the ground is nothing more than a shell, a husk, and I am filled with a sense of peace. Yes, I think. Yes. This is what I want to be. An instrument of mercy, not vengeance.
My friend George and I were walking on the beach in Norfolk, and there were thousands of [razor-clam] shells. They were so beautiful, I thought I had to do something with them. So, we decided to make [a dress] out of them. . . . The shells had outlived their usefulness on the beach, so we put them to another use on a dress. Then Erin [O’Conner] came out and trashed the dress, so their usefulness was over once again. Kind of like fashion, really.
Subsidies are a shell game, not a net addition to national wealth.
People ate bread made of the shells of peas because there was no flour.
It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you.
We lie under the network of arching shells and live in a suspense of uncertainty. If a shot comes, we can duck, that is all; we neither know nor can determine where it will fall." - All Quiet On The Western Front, Ch. 6
I really loved it because it really informed his way of seeing my character and the story. If you look closely he always had this metaphor of an egg, of a little chick pecking her way out of a shell, and in one scene in the kitchen there are all these white plates on a wall and then in the middle there is a yellow plate so even that looks like an egg. And a lot of the furniture was almost sculpted in that way as well. It was really cool to see that.
Shot Gun Boogie, I wanted wedding bells. I'll be back little gal, when your pappy runs out of shells.
Put your hands where I can see 'em, so they look like 12 PM On the dot, see this Glock? Don't make me give these shells freedom.
Walnuts have a shell, and they have a kernel. Religions are the same. They have an essence, but then they have a protective coating. This is not the only way to put it. But it's my way. So the kernels are the same. However, the shells are different.