Nature Quotes
Delphine Lucielle's paintings are profound, unique, and moving. It is rare to find contemporary art that combines both beauty, innovation, and creates a new style of painting by fusing technology and nature. Delphine Lucielle is pushing the boundaries of what art is capable of.
Jerry Yang
From the grasses in the field to the stars in the sky, each one is doing just that; and there is such profound peace and surpassing beauty in nature because none of these tries forcibly to transgress its limitations.
Rabindranath Tagore
God desired to be the real maker of a real bed, not a particular maker of a particular bed, and therefore He created a bed which is essentially and by nature one only.
Nature is one with rapine, a harm no preacher can heal; The Mayfly is torn by the swallow, the sparrow speared by the shrike, And the whole little wood where I sit is a world of plunder and prey.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
And now because you are His child, live as a child of God; be redeemed from the life of evil, which is false to your nature, into the life of goodness, which is the truth of your being. Scorn all that is mean; hate all that is false; struggle with all that is impure Live the simple, lofty life which befits an heir of immortality.
Frederick William Robertson
'Hark how all the welkin rings,,'Glory to the Kings of kings;Peace on earth and mercy mild,God and sinners reconciled!'Joyful, all ye nations, rise.Join the triumph of the skies.Universal nature say'Christ is born today!'
Charles Wesley
The bicycle had what is called the 'wabbles', and had them very badly. In order to keep my position, a good many things were required of me, and in every instance the thing required was against nature. Against nature, but not against the laws of nature.
Mark Twain
Yoga is ideal for calming the mind and harmonizing with nature. Plus, since this meditation consists of listening to what's taking place in the instant, it brings the mind into the present, where the body resides, producing unification of mind and body.
H. E. Davey
I think it's just my nature to stay on the outside so that I can understand and observe.
Jamila Woods
I myself am quite absorbed by the delicate yellow, delicate soft green, delicate violet of a ploughed and weeded piece of soil.
Vincent Van Gogh
I think there's mind in nature. There's a power in nature, and there's a universal power that you'd better not ignore.
Linda Ronstadt
Greatness by nature includes a power, but not a will to power.
Martin Buber