Sorry Quotes
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
Dean Martin
I feel sorry for these kids in bands. Everything is so disposable nowadays. These kids don't even get 15 minutes of fame, it's like a minute and a half.
Zakk Wylde
Black Label Society
I did a lot of things as a Muslim that I am sorry for now.
Malcolm X
We should not judge Islam by terrorists. All civilizations and cultures produce terrorists. Every time there is a flag-burning, killing, or provocative films, I'm worried, not because something radical will happen, and this time, some people are killed. We're very sorry for that.
Orhan Pamuk
A man never apologizes for the fact that he has to work. He might say, 'Hey, I am so sorry my hours were long today,' but he'd never feel he has to explain the very fact that he has a career. Once I stopped apologizing, I noticed both my kids also stopped complaining and asking me 'why' I worked.
Raney Aronson-Rath
The future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on.
Barack Obama
I’m sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn’t do, and I’ve hurt myself by hurting you.
Christina Aguilera
I was walking in the park and this guy waved at me. Then he said, 'I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.' I said, 'I am.'
Demetri Martin
I'm sorry my existence is not very noble or sublime.
Keanu Reeves
I've always been really anti-social, and being relatively famous has just given me an excuse to go out even less. If I didn't play in Soundgarden I'd have no excuse for being the way I am. My friends and family would hate me, whereas now they probably feel sorry for me. Y'know, 'Poor kid, he can't come out because he gets hassled a lot.'
Chris Cornell
It's very hard for me to say I'm sorry... but I do.
Joe Nichols
You know, I don't watch television! Sorry! I actually don't even have a television. I don't, I really don't. It's nuts, but it's true.
Brooke Smith
Clarice: getting cold feet There's still time!Toni: We can just call everyone and say we're terribly sorry but something came up and we have to leave town!Clarice: ...But what about the five gallons of baba ganoush, and all those tofu pups?Toni: Shit. I forgot. Well, I guess we'll just have to go through with it, then.
Alison Bechdel
No, you will never see me on 'Dancing With the Stars.' Sorry.
Mara Wilson
I'm not about my breasts; I'm just about good health, OK. I'm not afraid of doing what I need to do to stay here. I really don't understand women who are in denial, who don't want to go for a mammogram. I think it's stupidity. Sorry. I have no patience for that.
Jaclyn Smith
I'm sorry to say I'm very lizard-like. My skin is dry, so covering my face in greasy antioxidants is a better alternative.
Sally Phillips
Everything you've heard about Canadians apologizing profusely for things they shouldn't be sorry about is absolutely true. It is both sweet, endearing and worrisome at the same time. Having someone apologize for no reason actually makes me feel as though I should apologize for their need to apologize.
Rachel Nichols
Bookstore boss: to Mo The self-service kiosks have enabled us to cut down on staff, but some customers still feel the need to speak to an actual human. That's where you come in.Customer: Excuse me, do you carry Jewish New Year cards?Boss: I'm sorry, our New Years cards don't come in till November. But we'll be getting Jewish Christmas cards then, too!
Alison Bechdel