Graduate Quotes
Well did graduate summa cum laude from Fordham University.
The library is our house of intellect, our transcendental university, with one exception: no one graduates from a library. No one possibly can, and no one should.
Following graduation from Amherst, a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship enabled me to test the depth of my interest in literary scholarship by beginning graduate studies at Harvard University.
I'm not a college graduate, but I don't know how George W.Bush could have truly believed that the flower of democracy was going to blossom in that part of the world, I mean Iraq - at least in part because the governments there are so tied to religion .
Topshop is one of my favourite shops, and I love shoes by Giuseppe Zanotti. There's a graduate fashion designer called Kate Falcus who makes me beautiful commissioned pieces - one of my favourites was the white Glastonbury dress she made me with the puffy skirt.
When I was three years old, I went to an orphanage, but because of the beatings, I ran away when I was five and lived alone by selling gum on the streets. For ten years, I lived like a fly. I was eventually able to graduate elementary and middle school through qualification examinations and the first thing that I ever liked was music.
You tell me one other person that graduated from Yale that is as inarticulate as Bush. Yale's a great school, and here's this idiot.
I broke a couple rules, ain’t graduate from school ’cause I was a busy hustling man, I thought that shit was cool.
I didn't graduate and I never went back to reunions, so I don't really know.
God has a university. It's a small school. Few enroll; even fewer graduate.
Medical school education and post graduate education emphasize thoroughness.
Allow yourself to graduate, every five years.
You don't have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.
I feel like I'm a graduate of the Roger Corman School of Filmmaking. I went and visited Roger on the set of Dinoshark and that's in the movie. That's where I really got a big whopping taste of what it's like to be on one of his sets.
I didn't just graduate from Stanford with a really good idea and a good dad.
I really feel like I came out of the water when I graduated from college, because I wasn't really aware of what was going on. If certain people tried to take advantage of me or whatever, I never really realized it until I got out of school.
I made it a point not to graduate. I thought that was a positive, independent kind of statement.
I began photographing around 14; my mother gave me a camera, it's actually the one I still use for creating most of my work. My career has evolved from literally figuring out how to formally structure a photograph, to going through graduate school and trying to formally structure my thoughts. A sort of gradual learning, then unlearning.
When I graduated, I was told I was the first Latino to have three graduate degrees from Harvard. And Harvard does something amazing to you. It opens the doors to the world.
I was an English major in college, and then I went to graduate school in English at the University of North Carolina for three years.