Dependent Quotes
The effective leader recognizes that she is more dependent on her people than they are on her. Walk softly.
The problem of journalism is simple. Journalists are rarely in a position to establish the truth of an issue themselves, since they didn't' witness it personally. They are entirely dependent on self-interested sources to supply their facts. Every part of the news-making process is defined by this relationship; everything is colored by this reality.
If we seek to be loved - if we expect to be loved - this cannot be accomplished; we will be dependent and grasping not genuinely loving.
All Americans are dependent for their energy on the Arabian peninsula.
Betterment of conditions the world over is not essentially dependent on scientific knowledge but on the fulfillment of human traditions and ideals.
The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention.
I always love that phrase, 'Oh, this is a good idea, but it's execution dependent.' As if anything in life is not execution dependent. Breathing is execution-dependent.
Choice dependent on wealth; those are the Tory words.
Financial peace of mind is not determined by how much we make, but is dependent upon how much we spend!
This is a green world, with animals comparatively few and small, and dependent on the leaves. By leaves we live.
Entrance to government cannot be dependent on a date but only when terror and crime carried out by those allied to a political party is gone forever.
To find recreation in amusements is not happiness; for this joy springs from alien and extrinsic sources, and is therefore dependent upon and subject to interruption by a thousand accidents, which may minister inevitable affliction.
Finland, and all the other European countries, we are too dependent on imported energy. We should be using a broader variety of energy resources.
History is obviously dependent on the evidence, and it's always amazing to me how much evidence there is.
Be Americans. Let there be no sectionalism, no North, South, East or West. You are all dependent on one another and should be one in union. In one word, be a nation. Be Americans, and be true to yourselves.
There is more to fearlessness than merely having overcome fear... This state of being is not dependent on any external circumstances. It is individual dignity... that comes from being what we are, right now.
We are all dependent upon the investment of capital.
All an agent is going to do is buy things for a player, damage his eligibility, and make the player dependent on them.
As an independent person, I find it difficult being dependent for everything, for even my food and medicine, to the prison authorities. I have had to fight through the courts for everything, including even physiotherapy, which is my right under the jail manual.
While the faculty of sensation is dependent upon the body, mind is separable from it.
I'm the first to admit that we were totally dependent on a particular place and time... for us, seeing Minor Threat at the CBGB hardcore matinee was just as necessary a force in our lives as the Treacherous Three at Club Negril or the Funky Four + One More at the Rock Lounge.
If the truth of religious doctrines is dependent on an inner experience that bears witness to the truth, what is one to make of the many people who do not have that experience?
We shouldn't be so dependent on foreign oil.
We are here to become great men and women, and with that purpose in view, we must eliminate everything in our religion and philosophy that tends to make the human mind a dependent weakling. If you would serve God and be truly religious, do not kneel before God, but learn to walk with God, and do something tangible every day to increase the happiness of mankind. This is religion that is worth while, and it is such religion alone that can please the Infinite.