Fuel Quotes
Absence doth sharpen love, presence strengthens it; the one brings fuel, the other blows it till it burns clear.
I found out that the things that hurt us the most can become the fuel and the catalyst that propel us toward our destiny. It will either make you bitter or it will make you better.
Belief fuels passion, and passion rarely fails.
Anxiety is a kind of fuel that activates the fight-or-flight part of the brain in me. It makes sure that a velociraptor isn't around the corner and that you do as much as you possibly can to survive. Because Hollywood has a lot in common with 'Jurassic Park' and its primeval-dinosaur universe.
Sometimes we have to take on jobs that we don't love, and I always encourage any creative person to use those as the fuel to do the things that you do love to do, even if they don't pay.
Life without emotions is like an engine without fuel.
It points to a growing interest among businesses in using fuel cells to power factories and buildings. The most compelling reason for GM to collaborate with Dow is ultimately to reduce the cost of fuel cells and improve their durability so that we may put them in cars by the end of the decade.
Natural gas is a better transportation fuel than gasoline, so if that's the case, it's cheaper, it's cleaner and it's a domestic resource.
Fuel cells and the hydrogen economy are absolutely the next great race for industry.
We're going to bake this planet, and be a curse to all species, including our own, if we don't find an alternative to carbon-based fuel. That's the #1 problem.
Here are the facts we confront. No one is against conservation. No one is against alternative fuel sources.
Your struggles can be your fuel. So long as they don’t consume you, they can be the energy that propels you.
Determination is the fuel that propels one to higher virtues.
You've got two choices: you could either complain about it, or use it as fuel to make you a better person.
I never wanted to do away with my intensity because I felt it was a gift that helped put fuel in my engine, giving me exceptional drive and energy.
Its operation in a world beset by fuel and energy crises makes no sense at all.
Once you learn the basic rules of good nutrition, you'll realize it's not so complicated. It doesn't matter if you're running errands or 13 miles, you need enough fuel to last all day. Proper nutrition is the difference between feeling exhausted and getting the most out of a workout.
Cities can become the engines that fuel our nation's growth and prosperity, and they can be wide gateways for families to achieve their own American dream of prosperity.
What we can be scientifically certain of is that our continued use of fossil fuels is pushing us to a point of no return
Among all the wonderful things we have, we don't seem to have a time to love. And to me that's the fuel, that's the fuel we need to make the engine go.
The world must come together to confront climate change. There is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face more drought, famine and mass displacement that will fuel more conflict for decades.
Love, like fire, goes out without fuel.
Since it is the very substance of the animal, it is the blood which transports the fuel.If the animal did not habitually replace, through nourishing themselves,what they losethrough respiration, the lamp would very soon run out of oil and the animal would perish, just as the lamp goes out when it lacks fuel.
This is what it means to live on. When granted hope, a person uses it as fuel, as a guidepost to life. It is impossible to live without hope.