Pops Quotes
I embraced being a pop artist, but I like doing it on my own terms, at my own pace.
I learned jazz; that comes from blues. I learned rock; that comes from blues. I learned pop; that comes from blues. Even dance, that comes from blues, with the answer-and-response.
Got that super soaker pussy pop like cola coka. Plus it's tighter than a choker, got em smilin like the joker.
As Shakespeare says, if you're going to do a thing you might as well pop right at it and get it over.
I listen to him [Chief Keef] the most. I like his older mixtapes a little better though, because old Chief Keef scared me - I thought he was about to pop up out of nowhere with a hoodie on and shoot me.
So I'm a one movie at a time person, I don't develop. Normally we do a movie then one thing leads to another. If something pops up that catches my attention, then I'll decide.
The ultimate revenge is being on Top Of The Pops.
I don't want to be just a straight pop singer. I'm a vocalist and that's what I want to be seen as in the long run.
When you're part of a pop phenomenon, you have so many opinions shoved down your throat.
Certain people want to see me solely as a pop act, but there are many different sides to Christina Aguilera besides the pop girl.
If it is a good song, it is a good song. The Beatles were pop, the beach boys were pop and it's the best music of all time.
The animated bug has bitten pop culture. It makes me feel happy and free. When you don't act seriously, you can make up your own rules.
Every decade has its ABBA; that's the proof that pop will always be around.
Pop is actually my least favorite kind of music, because it lacks real depth.
I'd call what I do pop music, but it's folky and electronic and it doesn't really sound like much else.
Cause POP POP POP it goes my rubber band. So STOP STOP STOP sniffin that contraband.
Pop ya kickstand little mama I'm the Nickster. I'll pop you then I'll pop your little sister.
The most significant thing about the Monkees as a pop phenomenon is that we were the only TV show about young adults that did not feature a wiser, older person.
It's refreshing to hear something that's pop but doesn't sound like Britney Spears.
What would Pop-eye do in a tight spot like this?
I mean, m-m-m-my you're like pelican fly
Applause was designed to bemuse and confuse you until it explodes into a chorus that reminds us why we love pop music.
I was just thinking of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe and how young they were when they died. I would like to be a pop icon who survives. I would like to be a living icon.
I think the pop industry is still a young man's game.