Sharon Quotes
Bush, Sharon, Blair and Rice are names that history will damn.
Sharon Osbourne is such a blast and she's so, so bright.
Gyms are always packed. The only machine available is the one that simulates the gynecological exam. You know, the Sharon Stone machine.
I didn’t have a clue what love was about until I met Sharon.
Sharon may be brutal, but so is Barak...
There is a general sense of guarded optimism. There have been too many false dawns over the last 60 years. There have been more tears than smiles, but I sense there is a commitment from Abbas and Sharon, a new determination to make a reality of the goal of two states living side by side.
Sharon has subverted the whole process by turning it into something sequential and conditional and, of course, by making himself the interpreter of the road map...
I feel that Sharon is certainly a negative addition. He will sour the atmosphere. He will shift the whole terrain of the discourse to the extreme right.
We need to stop Sharon. His lethal policies are drawing blood on both sides. That's why we need a serious intervention -- international troops. And we need to end the occupation if there is to be security for both people.
Sharon is capable of making peace.
Sharon was a strong and charismatic leader who steered the politics toward the right and extremism. Now it is clear that Israel needs a leadership that proceeds strongly toward peace, or else the extremist right will hijack the situation.