Invitations Quotes
Rewriting isn't just about dialogue, it's the order of the scenes, how you finish a scene, how you get into a scene. All these final decisions are best made when you're there, watching. It's really enjoyable, but you've got to be there at the director's invitation. You can't just barge in and say, "I'm the writer."
Tom Stoppard
Hey, lady, those are some sexy-ass extensions. I guess you wont mind if I extend to you a personal invitation to party with me one-on-one in a scary motel room.
Michael Cera
I sort of have open invitations from a lot of people to do TV. But it's very hard for me to do roles in sitcoms and movies because I'm not a great actor, so if the material isn't good, I'm in torment while I do it.
Norm MacDonald
The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God.
Neil L. Andersen
When invitation come, then I inquire just to see new place or seeing just the one sort of family, then not much interest.
Dalai Lama
Marian Head is a true student of Tao. Her insightful and persuasive 'Wu-Wei' approaches for personal transformation reach our hearts with open invitation to join the 'soft' revolution and harmonious agreement for all.
Chungliang Al Huang
I've gone to big stadium rock concerts at some artist's invitation, and there's this invariable, fascinating and rather sad situation of concentric circles of availability. There are Green Rooms within Green Rooms literally within Green Rooms. There are seven or eight degrees of exclusivity, and within each circle of exclusivity, everyone is so happy to be there, and they don't know that the next level exists.
William Gibson
You do not invite experience with your 'yes' and exclude it with your 'no'. There is no exclusion in this attraction-based Universe. Your focus in the invitation.
Esther Hicks
Marie Houzelle is a master of the first-person narrative. In Tita she has created a strange, utterly original child whose deadpan certainties are a beguiling invitation to readers of all ages.
Katharine Weber
True friends visit us in prosperity only when invited, but in adversity they come without invitation.
Nothing can occur in your life experience without the invitation of it through your thought.
Esther Hicks
In a way, the Nobel Prize has been something of a pain in the neck, though there was at least one time that I got some fun out of it, Shortly after I won the Prize, Gweneth and I received an invitation from the Brazilian government to be the guests of honor at the Carnaval celebrations in Rio.
Richard Feynman