Motivational Quotes
It’s important that someone celebrate our existence," she objected amiably. "People are the only mirror we have to see ourselves in. The domain of all meaning. All virtue, all evil, are contained only in people. There is none in the universe at large. Solitary confinement is a punishment in every human culture.
Lois McMaster -
Everything is the product of one universal creative effort. There is nothing dead in Nature.
Seneca the Younger
Courage doesn't always involve physical heroism in the face of death. It doesn't always require giant leaps worthy of celebration. Sometimes, courage is the willingness to speak the truth about what you see and to own what you say.
Seth Godin -
The funniest thing is that all the things every director goes through, I thought I could shortcut, but there was no getting around those issues.
George Clooney -
We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life.
William Osler -
The one resolution, which was in my mind long before it took the form of a resolution, is the key-note of my life. It is this, always to regard as mere impertinences of fate the handicaps which were placed upon my life almost at the beginning. I resolved that they should not crush or dwarf my soul, but rather be made to blossom, like Aaron's rod, with flowers.
Helen Keller -
Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell and when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.
William Saroyan -
If you say to one flower, 'Grow,' but you water another, the first one won't grow.
Stephen Covey
Would anybody be offended if we gave a $150 million bonus to Gandhi? How about a $250 million bonus to Mother Teresa? Do we have an issue with that? None at all. None at all. Great leaders would never sacrifice the people to save the numbers. They would sooner sacrifice the numbers to save the people.
Simon Sinek -
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
William Arthur Ward -
You get to the point where you decide that you don't want to be a victim anymore and that you're not going to live your life like that.
Kayla Harrison -
We don't need more stuff, we need more humanity.
Seth Godin -
An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success.
Stephen Covey -
Everything is out there waiting for you. All you have to do is walk up and declare yourself in. No need for permission. You just need courage to say, 'Include me'. Providing you have the energy to pull it off you can do what you like.
Stuart Wilde
The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.
Rupert Murdoch -
I decided that I was going to go to the Olympics to see if I had made the right decision to retire because I knew that if I'd made the mistake of retiring I would know during and after those Games in Athens.
Cathy Freeman -
We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are or the way they should be. And our attitudes and behaviors grow out of these assumptions.
Stephen Covey -
An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.
William Bernbach -
Most leaders would agree that they’d be better off having an average strategy with superb execution than a superb strategy with poor execution. Those who execute always have the upper hand.
Stephen Covey -
You hear the same thing every year but that is because it is true. In a short series, pitching is very dominant.
Carl Erskine
Cultivate Curiosity. If you really want to grow in your lifetime, learn to be as inquisitive as a child. Curious people are never bored, and for them life becomes an unending study of joy.
Anthony Robbins -
Music is kind of motivational and it helps me get my mind right.
Darrell Wallace Jr. -
Every one minute you spend in planning will save you at least three minutes in execution.
Crawford Greenewalt -
In order to be great, you have to learn from greatness, which is what I have tried to do.
David Oliver