Reports Quotes
So I just got on the phone and the engineer just patched me in and I did reports. I'd get a community leader and bring him to the phone, call up the station and do an interview over the phone with the guy.
Of all the reports that fly about the world, ill news is the surest of all to arrive!
We older women who know we aren't heroines can offer our younger sisters, at the very least, an honest report of what we have learned and how we have grown.
Initial reports are that the Saturn failed to stop at a stop sign or just didn't see the truck coming and pulled out in front of it.
The reports we're getting really from throughout the state as well as King County, ... is that the county elections people are being very, very diligent.
After your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live.
Presidential campaigns are exhausting. Once they're over, we all heave a sigh of relief that we have our lives back, the constant emails and news reports no longer harangue us, and the topic even turns at times to something else entirely.
The reports break down expenses by category so businesses can easily track how much they spend on items such as business services, supplies, travel, entertainment and vehicles.
Ugly reports and conversations are always available to those who would promote the sordid and sensational. None of us are yet perfect. We each have failings that aren't terribly difficult to detect especially if that is the aim.
As a student, I wrote English reports on science fiction.
Many Enron employees lost 70 percent to 90 percent of their retirement assets after the company indicated that it would re-state profit reports.
According to some reports coming out of Washington today, President Obama said Kanye West is a 'jackass.' Not since 'yes, we can' has Obama found a slogan so many Americans can get behind.
Congressman Richard Icord headed a House on American activities committee. It was called the House Internal Security Committee. And he put out a report, and he named a number of very destructive people who lectured at colleges and left arson in their wake and did other terrible things. And he mentioned me and he ascribed to me three organizations to which I'd never belonged, and I decided I would do something about this.
I was shy, but I stood up in front of the class and I gave my report.I was reporting on books that I didn't want to read. I was inventing books that I didn't want to read.
When there is war, the poet lays down the lyre, the lawyer his law reports, the schoolboy his books.
I don't work well outside the lines; my report card once read, "doesn't play well with others."
As a general rule, I abstain from reading reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not to be provoked by that to which I cannot properly offer an answer.
I have taken special interest in these accounts of UFOs. I think there may be substance to some of these reports... I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject.
As many as six out of ten American adults have never read a book of any kind, and the bulletins from the nation’s educational frontiers read like the casualty reports from a lost war.
Reports in matters of this world are many, and our resources of mind for the discrimination of them very insufficient.
In 1815, M. Charles Francois-Bienvenu Myriel was Bishop of D-----. He was a man of seventy-five, and had occupied the bishopric of D----- since 1806. Although it in no manner concerns, even in the remotest degree, what we have to relate, it may not be useless, were it only for the sake of exactness in all things, to notice here the reports and gossip which had arisen on his account from the time of his arrival in the diocese.
The U.S. Census Bureau reports that American homes are 650 square feet larger today than they were in 1980. Unfortunately, so are most Americans.
I've seen reports of children having to change schools. Or children committing suicide. So, ah, yeah, the off-campus activities can have significant harm.
Initial reports are encouraging. In the end of the day, it's going to be deeds, not words, that matter.