Be stupid, be dumb, be funny, if that's who you are. Don't try to be someone that society wants you to be; that's stupid. So be yourself.
I used to make cassette tapes but never thought about making a career of it.
I'm one of those people who laughs everything off. If I mess up, I just say, 'Ha! Totally didn't mean to do that.'
I'm that girl that's a hardcore musician and loves to sing and write and play instruments but, at the same time, loves video games, metal music, and just being a goofy person.
My goal in my career is to inspire people, is to get my music out there and have people enjoy it, and have people think of me as an inspirational artist.
Los Angeles traffic is just the worst thing in the world. It throws off timing so much. However, it's always warm and sunny. New Jersey has absolutely terrible weather, but the environment is really homey and chill.
'The Voice' gave me the exposure that YouTube was never able to provide for me, just because I didn't have a label or that kind of opportunity before. It also kind of trained me as person and performer with an audience.
I have no boyfriend. No time. None send me over the moon, so I just kind of do my thing.
When I was little, I had this old video camera, and I set it up, and I would pretend that I was on comedy shows and soap operas and things like that.
Most of all, I like to sing my heart out to lyrics that really speak to people.
When I write music, I know a lot of artists like Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran tend to write from personal experience. I write from personal experience, of course, but I don't limit myself to that.
Confidence is not, 'They will like me'. Confidence instead is, 'I'll be fine if they don't'.
I want to be able to show people that I have flaws and they have flaws, too. And you know what that means? No one out there is perfect.
I first went on YouTube aged 15, and people were saying, 'Why not do this cover?' Then they wanted to hear my own stuff live, and it escalated from there. Selena Gomez's parents found my videos and manage me to this day.
I know the fans are very personable with my mom and things like that. They make little collages and pictures. They make edits of me and my mom together.
I just wanted to finally release something that sounded really fun, and 'Must Be Love' is that song! I'm telling you, I went to the Philippines and sang that live for everyone, and everyone was singing along, and I thought, 'Wow!' Everyone was singing this song back to me because everyone loves love.
Me being the metal fan that I am, I like to listen to thrash metal to get me pumped - that kind of music will get your heart racing and ready for a crowd.
I'm a perfectionist, so everything I put out needs to be, like, 100 percent. So when it comes to releasing things on my YouTube channel, I triple-quadruple check it before I post it because this has got to be ready for the amount of people who are going to be watching, for sure.
If you really watch 'The Voice' and follow Adam, he's very ADD. He's kind of one place here, and then he's over here the next minute; he's kind of all over the place. When it comes down to being very serious, and especially when we were talking about the finale song, he's actually very serious, and he's a very good listener.
I have God, Jesus Christ: I'm Christian. I try to stay as grounded as I possibly can. And I have my parents that help me and my friends that are really great accountability partners to me.
People aren't born strong. People grow stronger little by little, encountering difficult situations, learning not to run from them.
When you think Selena Gomez, you think 'celebrity.' But really, she does so many things for me. She's very caring. Before she goes on stage, she's a goofy girl. She's fun-loving and totally lovable, which I say in the most honest way. She's not even a celebrity to me; she's just a really cool person.
There's a band called Pantera that I listen to, and then Metallica's 'And Justice for All.' If you listen to a little bit of that before you go on stage, you're pretty much set for the whole show.
'Side A' was a project that I wanted to do, stuff that I produced completely, and it was just stuff that I was dealing with.