I dont separate my work with the band from this solo project-Im sure the group could have recorded any of these, and they would have if the Fleetwood Mac project had come up at this time. I dont have any finished songs lying around.
I was actually qualified to be an art teacher, but I didn't want to teach.
I'm rather old-fashioned about this video business. It's all relatively new. We really don't do videos, Fleetwood Mac. We've only done two.
The old Fleetwood Mac was much better; they did some beautiful and, to my mind, very authentic blues. Chicken Shack did pretty well in Europe, but after I left, it was over.
I haven't lost my blues roots.
I bought a house in England in 1990, shortly after my father died, hoping to come home to England and spend time with my family.
'Mirage' was an attempt to get back into the flow that 'Rumours' had. But we missed a vital ingredient. That was the passion.
When you're in the same band as somebody, you're seeing them almost more than 24 hours a day. You start to see an awful lot of the bad side 'cause touring is no easy thing.
I suffered from some delusion that I wanted to be an English country girl, a Sloane Ranger donning the old Hunter boots and Barbour jacket to slosh around in mud with the Range Rover.
Eventually, I had to figure out what the hell I was going to do with my life. I needed to find my way back to Fleetwood Mac.
Schlepping around from city to city is nothing I want to do.
There's a whole bunch of unfinished stuff. Then I've got books of lyrics. I find it frustrating to finish a song and not be able to record it... so I don't write a million songs.
I felt very at home in California, but the place is prone to earthquakes, and the one in 1994 scared the life out of me. For months afterwards, I felt that every time I sat down, I should have put on a seatbelt.
I was in Tower Records in San Francisco a few weeks ago, buying some cassettes, and a couple of people recognized me and ran up with albums, and I just wanted to cover my face and have a seizure or something. I want people to just go away.
I don't sing about politics or anything like that. I sing about love. That's what I know about.
My writing ability all stems from the blues.
I dearly remember the old days... Fleetwood Mac had this one-of-a-kind charm. They were gregarious, charming and cheeky onstage. Very cheeky. They'd have a good time.
We've always connected musically in Fleetwood Mac because we're the only people who play more than one note. I'm not the best pianist, but I know how to interlace around what Lindsey's playing.
I want to go out and do things... not just stick around having room service for two days.
I tend to go for these half-little-boy characters.
I was by no means a nun.
With Fleetwood Mac, it's an amazing chemistry that we have on stage.
You can only mend the vase so many times before you have to chuck it away.
To some extent, I've always felt that the music should be the thing that creates the emotion in you, rather than a video.