In the same manner as we are cautioned by religion to show our faith by our works we may very properly apply the principle to philosophy, and judge of it by its works; accounting that to be futile which is unproductive, and still more so, if instead of grapes and olives it yield but the thistle and thorns of dispute and contention.
Francis Bacon -
In things that are tender and unpleasing, it is good to break the ice by some one whose words are of less weight, and to reserve the more weighty voice to come in as by chance.
Francis Bacon
Our humanity is a poor thing, except for the divinity that stirs within us.
Francis Bacon -
Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has observed in fact or thought of the course of nature; beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything.
Francis Bacon -
Learning teaches how to carry things in suspense, without prejudice, till you resolve it.
Francis Bacon -
The only really interesting thing is what happens between two people in a room.
Francis Bacon -
First the amendment of their own minds. For the removal of the impediments of the mind will sooner clear the passages of fortune than the obtaining fortune will remove the impediments of the mind.
Francis Bacon -
To suffering there is a limit; to fearing, none.
Francis Bacon
Much bending breaks the bow; much unbending the mind.
Francis Bacon -
There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious.
Francis Bacon -
All bravery stands upon comparisons.
Francis Bacon -
Princes are like heavenly bodies, which cause good or evil times, and which have much veneration but no rest.
Francis Bacon -
The subtlety of nature is greater many times over than the subtlety of the senses and understanding.
Francis Bacon -
But the idols of the Market Place are the most troublesome of all: idols which have crept into the understanding through their alliances with words and names. For men believe that their reason governs words. But words turn and twist the understanding. This it is that has rendered philosophy and the sciences inactive. Words are mostly cut to the common fashion and draw the distinctions which are most obvious to the common understanding. Whenever an understanding of greater acuteness or more diligent observation would alter those lines to suit the true distinctions of nature, words complain.
Francis Bacon
Disciples do owe their masters only a temporary belief, and a suspension of their own judgment till they be fully instructed.
Francis Bacon -
God never wrought miracles to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince it.
Francis Bacon -
There are and can be only two ways of searching into and discovering truth. The one flies from the senses and particulars to the most general axioms, and from these principles, the truth of which it takes for settled and immovable, proceeds to judgment and to the discovery of middle axioms. And this way is now in fashion. The other derives axioms from the senses and particulars, rising by a gradual and unbroken ascent, so that it arrives at the most general axioms last of all. This is the true way, but as yet untried.
Francis Bacon -
Defer not charities till death; for certainly, if a man weigh it rightly, he that doth so is rather liberal of another man's than of his own.
Francis Bacon -
Such is the way of all superstition, whether in astrology, dreams, omens, divine judgments, or the like; wherein men, having a delight in such vanities, mark the events where they are fulfilled, but where they fail, though this happen much oftener.
Francis Bacon -
The general root of superstition is that men observe when things hit, and not when they miss, and commit to memory the one, and pass over the other.
Francis Bacon
He that seeketh to be eminent amongst able men hath a great task; but that is ever good for the public. But he that plots to be the only figure amongst ciphers is the decay of a whole age.
Francis Bacon -
Truth is a naked and open daylight.
Francis Bacon -
There is no passion in the mind of man so weak, but it mates and masters the fear of death . . . Revenge triumphs over death; love slights it; honor aspireth to it; grief flieth to it.
Francis Bacon -
The human understanding is unquiet; it cannot stop or rest, and still presses onward, but in vain. Therefore it is that we cannot conceive of any end or limit to the world, but always as of necessity it occurs to us that there is something beyond... But he is no less an unskilled and shallow philosopher who seeks causes of that which is most general, than he who in things subordinate and subaltern omits to do so.
Francis Bacon