What could be better than working with people you love?
I love ABC Family!
I've ended up on some website list or some other list for super right-wing people. They've been tweeting some pretty rude stuff at me, so I think there's a sect of America out there that doesn't like certain opinions and can really take their claws out when they don't like what you're saying.
The first band I was ever in, I played guitar. We did Gary Glitter and Green Day covers at the time. We were called Fizz. I have no idea why we picked that. We were, like, 12 years old.
I think that everyone at any age should ask themselves, 'where do I want to be today, where do I want to be tomorrow, and where do I want to be in a hundred years?' We all have clear answers to those questions. We only have so much time. It's a real shame if we don't spend our lives trying to do that.
You can be a man who loves a woman but love someone the way a gay man loves another man or a woman loves a woman.
I love to stay at home and write.
I want to be able to do work where I think it's very forward, but I also want it to exist in a big way and have an effect on a lot of people.
I went to high school in New York City. So, I grew up in New Jersey my whole life, and I was watching all the people and all the kids that I met there become so jaded.
The connection I make with being young and growing up is, like, the feeling of not being crushed by the world. Having an idea, thinking you can do it.
All I have to do to continue to make things work is make great records, and that's more important than having a crazy master plan.
I've been touring through Texas since I was 15, on my first tour ever.
I think that some of the most amazing places to be or to grow up are the places right outside of great cities, because you're sort of constantly in this suspended state of, like, looking inside the window, wanting to be in the party. I think it breeds good feelings.
I hear my songs being sung by females before I change them and make them into my voice.
It's really easy to end up on the 'Daily Mail' if you put yourself in situations where you'll end up on the 'Daily Mail,' and it's really easy to not if you don't do that.
It really is true that when an issue becomes pop culture, it changes faster, and it's really great for the issue.
I need a hobby, and I don't want it to be basketball. I want it to be music. So to get away from music, I do other music.
'Glee' is one of the very few mainstream outlets that is giving a voice to communities of people that don't necessarily have a loud voice, specifically the gay community. It gives a really positive and forward statement.
When you start writing songs on your own, there's no Bible, there's no one around you, so you're just writing, and you're left with, like, the dead space in your head to know if it's a good song or an interesting concept.
To grow up five miles outside of the greatest city in the world is a bizarre experience.
It's pretty easy to tell who's garbage and who's not right away, and most people suck, to be honest, or they're just really wrapped up in what's going on with themselves.
I'm gonna make my records, whether I release them as Bleachers or something else.
When I work with other people, I don't have to do that - it's because I love to do it and I want to do it.
If you're lucky enough to find anything in life that gives you five seconds, let alone an hour, of relief from life, you should try to do it forever.