The only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves.
I've been a free man.
All the things that were read to me by my father were stories about things becoming all right.
My life is short. I can't listen to banality.
I have trusted to my intuition to find the subjects, and I have written intuitively. I have an idea when I start, I have a shape; but I will fully understand what I have written only after some years.
If you write a novel alone you sit and you weave a little narrative. And it's O.K., but it's of no account.
The ancillary aspect of every British city now is the council estate.
As a child I knew almost nothing, nothing beyond what I had picked up in my grandmother's house. All children, I suppose, come into the world like that, not knowing who they are.
The family feuds or the village feuds often had to do with an idea of honor. Perhaps it was a peasant idea; perhaps this idea of honor is especially important to a society without recourse to law or without confidence in law.
Men need history; it helps them to have an idea of who they are. But history, like sanctity, can reside in the heart; it is enough that there is something there.
I really wasn't equipped to be a writer when I left Oxford. But then I set out to learn. I've always had the highest regard for the craft. I've always felt it was work.
One always writes comedy at the moment of deepest hysteria.
One must always try to see the truth of a situation - it makes things universal.
The time before Islam is a time of blackness: that is part of Muslim theology. History has to serve theology.'
The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.
Africans need to be kicked, that's the only thing they understand.
I'm very content.
Africa has no future.
Writing has to support itself.
I thought how terrible it would have been if, as could so easily have happened, I had died without knowing this depth of satisfaction, this other person that I had just discovered within myself. It was worth any price, any consequence.
An autobiography can distort; facts can be realigned. But fiction never lies: it reveals the writer totally.
In England I am not English, in India I am not Indian. I am chained to the 1,000 square miles that is Trinidad; but I will evade that fate yet.
India is for me a difficult country. It isn’t my home and cannot be my home; and yet I cannot reject it or be indifferent to it; I cannot travel only for the sights. I am at once too close and too far.
It is important not to trust people too much.