Married love burns as fire, and seeks nothing more than the mate. It says, "I want only you"
Martin Luther -
We know that death never skips or spares anybody and that no one ever returns. And yet we go on like the blind, who see as little at midday as in the pitch-dark night. We do not take these examples to heart; we do not realize that today or tomorrow our turn will come.
Martin Luther
Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has: it never comes to the aid of spiritual things.
Martin Luther -
God wants our conscience to be certain and sure that it is pleasing to Him. This cannot be done if the conscience is led by its own feelings, but only if it relies on the Word of God.
Martin Luther -
God has set the type of marriage through creation. Each creature seeks its perfection in another.
Martin Luther -
Christ's mission and work it is to help against sin and death, to justify and bring life. He has placed his help in baptism and the Sacrament i.e., communion/Eucharist/Lord's supper, and incorporated it in the Word and preaching. To our eyes Baptism capitalized in original appears to be nothing more than ordinary water, and the Sacrament of Christ's body and blood simple bread and wine, like other bread and wine, and the sermon, hot air from a man's mouth. But we must not trust what our eyes see.
Martin Luther -
Peter erred in life and in doctrine. Paul might have dismissed Peter's error as a matter of no consequence. But Paul saw that Peter's error would lead to the damage of the whole Church unless it were corrected. Therefore he withstood Peter to his face. The Church, Peter, the apostles, angels from heaven, are not to be heard unless they teach the genuine Word of God.
Martin Luther -
The Holy Spirit is no Skeptic, & the things He has written in our hearts are not doubts or opinions, but assertions - surer & more certain than sense & life itself.
Martin Luther
To be convinced in our hearts that we have forgiveness of sins and peace with God by grace alone is the hardest thing.
Martin Luther -
When God's righteousness is mentioned in the gospel, it is God's action of declaring righteous the unrighteous sinner who has faith in Jesus Christ. The righteousness by which a person is justified (declared righteous) is not his own but that of another, Christ.
Martin Luther -
Exhort your household to learn the Ten Commandments word for word, that they should obey God…For if you teach and urge your families things will go forward.
Martin Luther -
The confidence and faith of the heart alone make both God and an idol. If your faith and trust be right, then is your god also true; and, on the other hand, if your trust be false and wrong, then you have not the true God; for these two belong together faith and God. That now, I say, upon which you set your heart and put your trust is properly your god.
Martin Luther -
Albert Durer, the famous painter, used to say he had no pleasure in pictures that were painted with many colors, but in those which were painted with a choice simplicity. So it is with me as to sermons.
Martin Luther -
May the Lord fill you with His blessings and with hatred of the Pope.
Martin Luther
When God creates faith in a man, that is as great a work as if He created heaven and earth all over again.
Martin Luther -
Faith is the yes of the heart.
Martin Luther -
We should throw the Epistle of James out of this school.
Martin Luther -
When my heart is cold and I cannot pray as I should I scourge myself with the thought of the impiety and ingratitude of my enemies, the Pope and his accomplices and vermin, and Zwingli, so that my heart swells with the righteous indignation and hatred and I can say with warmth and vehemence: 'Holy be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done!' And the hotter I grow the more ardent do my prayers become.
Martin Luther -
One is not righteous who does much, but the one who, without work, believes much in Christ. The law says, 'Do this,' and it is never done. Grace says, 'Believe in this,' and everything is already done.
Martin Luther -
Here again you confuse and mix everything up in your usual way.
Martin Luther
There never yet have been, nor are there now, too many good books.
Martin Luther -
The veneration of Mary is inscribed in the very depths of the human heart.
Martin Luther -
I often laugh at Satan, and there is nothing that makes him so angry as when I attack him to his face, and tell him that through God I am more than a match for him.
Martin Luther -
We can mention only one point (which experience confirms), namely, that next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. No greater commendation than this can be found — at least not by us. After all, the gift of language combined with the gift of song was only given to man to let him know that he should praise God with both word and music, namely, by proclaiming [the Word of God] through music.
Martin Luther