'Troublemaker' is not an adaptation of 'Metro Girl' or 'Motor Mouth.' It is an original story. The hardest part was probably trying to keep the sound true to the novels. I always write in first person, and it was important to us that the readers of 'Metro' and 'Motor' be comfortable with the change over to a graphic novel.
What I do miss is the Jersey Shore.
When I started writing, it felt good, and I knew I was in the right genre.
I feel like I never would have been a success and gotten published without my family.
If you want to cry, you're not going to like my books.
I work real hard so the reader doesn't have to. I don't want them to have to look up words.
As writers, we all have an agenda, but if you recognize that agenda in a book, then you've failed.
What I realized halfway through writing romance is that you start out intuitive, and you make all these choices mostly based on yourself and what you like and what talent you have, and... if you want to have any quality control over your product, you have to stop being intuitive and start being more of an analyst.
I think that some books are more successful than others to certain readers. People who read my books for the humor, they're going to love one book. People who read my books for the mystery, they might not like that book quite as much.
I did a co-authored book not so long ago that was an American historical romance set at the turn of the century. I'm fascinated by that period in time and would love to do more.
I actually really suck at naming books, so lots of years ago, readers were sending in their ideas for titles, and what we realized is that they were smarter than us. So we thought, Hey, go for it. So now we have a contest every year.
I don't want my readers slowed down by long passages of narrative.
I like being able to provide consistent and frequent literary choices for my fans.
There are some men who enter a woman's life and screw it up forever.
I'm a sitcom junky. And I love rom coms. Mind candy.
I know nothing about making a movie.
I have people I love and trust on my team. And I'm lucky my family is incredibly talented in a variety of ways.
The 'Barnaby' books were always intended to be graphic novels.
I think I'm a pretty average person, and I respond to positive things, so I write for myself.
You can get through very serious and sometimes horrible and sometimes embarrassing and very awkward situations with humor. It gives us a way out.
I've finally reached a stage in my career where I can do what I want.
The best we can do is prioritize our needs and make choices accordingly.
Since I can barely write two books a year the best solution seems to be co-author projects. My goal isn't to get another writer to clone me... it's more to produce a book that shares my vision of positive, fun entertainment.
The 'Stephanie Plums' are very much Jersey books. So you can't get away from attitude and objectionable language.