I don't envy anybody else's career because I feel they've earned where they're at and worked hard. I wouldn't mind Jack White's gig, though. He does it all!
I've spent my life playing music.
If you're just making a record to pay the bills, that's not a great idea because chances are it might not come out that good.
I don't mean it egotistically, but I've been given the chance to be in front of people and sing, and I feel that it's part of my job and my duty - especially where I'm from - to speak the language of the people I'm around and speak for them.
I would love to learn how to paint motorcycles and stuff like that. I really, really am fascinated by that.
Songs are like anything else - they dictate to you which ones go together and which ones don't.
Why blow money on a tour bus when you could get your mom a nice dress?
You can't staple me to the Brooklyn hipster. I don't buy skinny jeans and $50 T-shirts. I wear the same clothes I've always worn, from Target.
A lot of people get writer's block, and I think you just have to show up for work, sit down, and be like, 'I'm here.' You have to stay confident and positive that you're going to write something.
I don't like it when people spout about the popular opinion just to make it louder.
I went to the Louvre in Paris, and I saw all the paintings and the Mona Lisa. You don't really see something like that every day. I was looking at it, and everything else in the room just shut out. Like, Leonardo Da Vinci painted this thing - this is unreal that he touched that. It had this crazy effect on me.
I'm from New Jersey, the Shore, and Asbury Park and all that goes with that. I wouldn't want to mess around with that. I like New Jersey. There are nice people here.
I grew up in the next town over from Asbury Park and five streets from E Street. My mother fed me 'Born To Run' with my Cheerios.
I don't have a 'Born to Run' in me.
I must've been about 7 or 8 when I realized I wanted to perform in some way.
I don't want to be a lead player. I don't want to shred and play fast licks. I just want to be the best rhythm section ever.
I like building houses, working as a carpenter, painting. You work with your hands to the best of your ability, and at the end of the day, you go home with some satisfaction: 'I built that!'
I learn tons of John Frusciante's licks from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I'm never going to play like the Chili Peppers, but I might use that if I've got a dub beat or reggae thing mixed with a soul thing.
Tom Waits is someone who has really struck me, ever since I was a kid. He's really a big deal for me.
Shoes are everything. You can tell more about a man from his shoes than his handshake, because they tell where you're going.
I've always said it's easier for bands to make a hard stance - like, we don't do commercials or whatever, blah blah blah - when you've sold billions of records. It's super-easy to be righteous when you're rich.
The Clash will always be from London, and we will always be from New Jersey. But New Jersey doesn't create us.
My friend Danny Clinch, who's a photographer, gave me a big, signed, numbered print of a photo he took of Eddie Vedder in Seattle. It's hung in my writing room where I have posters of writers that inspire me. They're all pointing at me. Tom Waits is like, 'Don't sell out!'
The first time I heard 'White Man in Hammersmith Palais,' I loved the vulnerability in the music and the lyrics.