Not many people read my stuff, but I really like the ones that do.
Because it's in and about New York City, I knew 'Ex Machina' was going to have to continually mix the mundane and the fantastic.
'It's about how boys become men - and why it takes women to make that transformation possible.'
By the time you have your protagonist attempting to assassinate the Pope, you've sort of signaled that everything is on the table.
All writing is the same: It's just making up lies until it starts to sound like the truth. That's what I do.
I remember when I was a kid and I would go to the comic-book store, I would have no idea what was going on in that month's issues. Sometimes I wouldn't even know what comics were coming out until I walked into the store.
If a good editor will let me tell my story with the right artist, I'm happy.
I am a big theater fan. It's mostly just being pretentious, I think, and trying to look smart.
Comics are essentially films with fewer frames per second.
'Writer's block' is just another word for video games. If you want to be a writer, get writing, you lazy bastards.
The biggest inspiration for everything I do is, of course, my wife, playwright Ruth McKee.
It's cool because I think 'Ex Machina' is a little bit under the radar, which is always when I do my best work - when I feel like no one's paying attention.
My parents grew up during the space race, and I think they imagined the future would be us living on moon bases and everyone has rocket shoes.
Having children changes you forever, as a writer and as a human being. I hope it's for the better on both counts, but I guess we'll see.
As much as I'm enjoying stuff out here in Hollywood, I will always think of myself as a comic-book writer who does film and television, not a film and TV writer who occasionally does comics.
I was only ever part of 'Lost' - a very small part of an extremely talented writers' room, where as a writer, it's sort of your job to sublimate your ego and work in the service of the show and the show's voice.
I think there is a possible future where maybe we do just take a hard turn away from the Internet and we do start valuing our privacy again.
I love other movies that have been made since, but I think more than any comic book movie, 'Superman' just totally seemed to capture superheroes in ways that others have not.
That was the appealing thing about comics: There literally is no budget in comics. You're only limited by your imagination.
For a lot of arcane shipping reasons, new comics, even digital ones, have a long history of only being released on Wednesdays.
I like animal sidekicks. They seem to be a pretty cool trope of post-apocalyptic fiction - just because if you're going to have this lone protagonist, they're going to need someone to talk to. Dogs are overused, and cats are dumb. So that leaves monkeys.
It's TV shows like BUFFY and ANGEL that usually have an incredible cliffhanger every commercial break that amaze me.
Your own creations are your own children; you gave life to them, so you’ll always have, if not more passion to them, more connections to them.
I never want readers to be comfortable, to feel like we're in a comedy or a drama. Life is never just one of those things. Life is a balance of all those things.