There are millions of eligible students who are not getting services. We have got to correct that. At its face value, it's wrong.
The positions are probably at this point so enormous. Most people are up to their limit.
It's been incredibly frustrating. The US government gave permission for the doctors to live in America, in freedom.
The demand for digital textbooks has increased since its introduction to the marketplace. As students become more familiar with them and computers get faster, larger and more portable, this product will gain in popularity.
We want a vehicle that ... can gain as much support from the delegation as possible and the support of the House so that we have a realistic chance of passing legislation that protects Florida.
It's hard to get certain members of the administration to do it. They don't think it's necessary. We try, but we've had administration officials who don't see it as an issue. They aren't against it entirely, but they don't think it's a priority. It's unbelievable.
The traditional textbook will always have a place on the shelf just as it has for hundreds of years. This product is about choice for students, providing them a less expensive price.
Once you have two buyers, you can usually make the assumption that you have a limited downside risk.
The effect of Judaism's vigorous promotion of monotheism, and the dignity that this doctrine conferred on all humankind, as created in God's image, coupled with the discipline, warnth and security offered by the Jewish way of life, cannot be overestimated as a powerful catalyst for the undermining and eventual destruction of Graeco-Roman paganism.
I'm sure he did. We inquired into a million guys' interest. Was he a candidate that we talked about? Absolutely. Was he one of my top five? No.
Judaism reognized the home as being a co-partner with the synagogue in the nurturing of spirituality, and accorded the woman, as primary home-maker, the greatest consideration.
There is clearly going to be a lot of debate and a lot of compromises before we get a final product.
Hard work, not workplace romance, should be the primary tool to get ahead in your career. Sleeping your way to the top is a Hollywood clichŽ, not a viable option for advancing your job prospects.
They already feel a certain amount of responsibility for what happened to them.
The big advantage is that for all the people wondering if someone is really interested, there's finally some proof one way or another. You don't have to rely on a hunch, or continue wasting time if you're in denial, which is a common scenario, ... On the flip side, it could create a generation of actors who know that their conversations are being interpreted, and therefore are less inclined to be genuine.
Runoff from the rainfall this weekend combined with releases from reservoirs is going to keep that river and its tributaries at high levels.
As useful as it may be, in the end, I don't think technology can ever fully express what people are feeling in their hearts.
The only thing I think really needs to be addressed by Microsoft is biometrics.
The addition of more clinical services will help serve veterans. But clearly there has been a need for many, many years for a hospital and he'll continue to do everything he can to get one.
Can a little speck in the vast universe truly address the Infinite? The answer is that Prayer is precisely what converts that little speck into an entity of inestimable and cosmic significance.
None of us are clinical psychologists. The best thing to do is refer.
Richard Donner's friendship and guidance showed me that there's more to life than being an actor.
Everything really belongs to God, and man has no right to assume that he can, at will, exploit God's bounty.
There is also some confusion about how this project differs from the old, proposed conference center (that failed by referendum six years ago). And most people want to know where it would be located, and how it would be paid for.