Jessy Schram Quotes
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I don't understand why every guy is not a romantic. I enjoy it.
I am a hopeless romantic and I love to spoil my girlfriends.
You know how you can be romantic? You can be romantic by going to a beautiful setting, sitting on a park bench, and getting good ole-fashioned golden arches, a.k.a. McDonald's. That's probably the best I can do romantically.
I'm a big-city boy. What I like is big cities. It's not just what I like. It's what I write about.
I was also the romantic lead in The Boston Strangler - I was the only one that lived to tell the story - so I called myself the romantic lead.
I'm not a romantic.
I've always considered myself a fairly romantic person. I believe in love and falling in love at a young age.
I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not.
Rap culture is interesting and different and has purpose but it has a non-romantic view of life and of social feelings. There may be a void in that.
As a young woman, I had been seeking experience, knowledge, truth, the stuff writers need in their work, but when the artist actually kicked in, I came to understand that in this romantic relationship I was not free to be myself, or to find myself, in order to begin the true work I needed to do.
I like romantic comedy as a genre, but I think it can get stuck in its ways.
When I watch a romantic comedy, I feel like they're selling something that doesn't exist. Two beautiful, but extremely unpleasant, people are terrible to each other for an hour, accidentally kiss, then decide to like each other during an extremely vague montage. That isn't how people fall in love.
I still want to do a romantic comedy or a western or a gritty independent film... there's so much that I still want to do.
If you're looking to be loved for a part, it's great and enticing to be adorable in a romantic comedy. But then, as an actor, you get stuck.
I don't like the way recording to digital sounds. Most of the time, when I'm recording to two-inch tape, I still have a romantic vision of how songs sounded coming out of the radio when I was younger, and how they sounded coming out of my little four-track cassette player.
I've always been attracted to romantic secondhand clothes. But my style developed as I started going to these strange raves where everybody had these very definitive costumes.
I love it when a man cooks; it's one of those points that makes me adore a guy. I think it's so romantic and I feel cared for when a man cooks.
I don't want to be Mr. Romantic Leading Man. I don't want to be the Dance Dude. I don't want to be the Action Guy. If I had to do any one of those all my life, it'd drive me crazy.
If you don't want to be the biggest band in the world, you may as well pack it in.
This Romeo character is something I decided to create, like my alter ego. So the name Romeo was invented from the original Romeo and Juliet. I wanted to show people I'm like a modern Romeo.
Every guy I know has some sort of freak injury in their body.
What I learned was there's no roles for women who won't be in their 40s. For women who will be in their 40s, there's a ton of work.
When you say 'control freak' and 'OCD' and 'organized,' that suggests someone who's cold in nature, and I'm just not. Like, I'm really open when it comes to letting people in. But I just like my house to be neat, and I don't like to make big messes that would hurt people.
'Terrible' is not a word I would use in shooting romantic scenes with Scott Speedman.