I'm a huge Spike Lee fan. I saw 'Do The Right Thing' twice in the same night when it first came out and had long conversations with all my friends about the issues in it.
I'm not a runner. I don't run.
I believe movies are better, the less you know going in.
I'm not an angry man.
So many large movies come to you with a huge marketing campaign and it's like you have to see this movie this weekend, otherwise you'll be culturally bankrupt and can't converse with your friends.
And I used to buy 'Fangoria,' the horror magazine, which made my mum wonder if I was going to be a serial killer.
I worry whether it's not really the best way to live one's life - trying to fulfill the dreams you had as a child. Maybe it's quite a backwards approach.
I went to Bournemouth Film School for 3 years.
In truth I don't like Cornish pasties.
I did magic at children's parties when I was a kid.
I don't think it's an incredibly radical premise to try and have sympathy for someone who has made a mistake.
One of my favourite films is called 'Lacombe Lucien,' directed by Louis Malle. The lead character in that film, like the lead characters in many '70s and '80s films, has a moral ambiguity to him.
I used to dream about presenting a comedy show and also about directing films.