Whenever you deal with science fiction you are setting up a world of rules. I think you work hard to establish the rules. And you also have to work even harder to maintain those rules, and within that find excitement and unpredictability and all that stuff.
The narrator of a documentary often comes in at the last minute and takes some of the glory they don't deserve.
There's the pressure of being a No. 1 on the call sheet, being a lead actor. There's almost this feeling like being captain of the team. You want to put a bit of energy into actually setting a good example.
I can't sing or dance.
As an actor, I'm constantly striving to find the darkness in the lighter characters and the lightness in the darker characters.
It's tricky. I've never been standing at the top of the tree with tons of money thrown at me. I've never really had a profile. So in a way I have this 'nothing to lose' attitude.
Gavin O'Connor, I'd walk into a fire for that guy. He's a brilliant filmmaker and a passionate man.
I oftentimes find with movies that the heavier the onscreen situation is, the more levity there is off screen. It's almost out of necessity.
If I'm going to work for twelve hours a day, I want twelve hours of awesomeness!
To me, 'Warrior' was a real turning point - probably one of the greatest experiences I've ever had as an actor on set.
Whenever you're trying to do your own take on a classic piece of literature, it's almost like you're trying to swim up your own stream or drive down your own path.
I love the idea of real-life experiences finding their way into fiction. I think that's really cool.
The nature of human beings is that we're competitive, and the chances are there's someone out there who's going to work harder than you and want it more than you.
Whereas 'Avatar' and other movies get shocks out of their three-dimensionality, 'Gatsby' is going to be about inviting the audience into this larger-than-life drama, letting them almost be inside the room rather than looking at it through the window. I think it will really work.
A lot of the fighters will say you'll know if a fighter's won or lost just by a fighter's eyes - whether they're scared of the other person.
One of the great joys of being able to write something you can make, if you get certain actors you want and love, you're kind of buying yourself a front row seat to watch them work.
I do know one thing: it's best not to read the Internet.
I think, often with Australian films, if an Australian film has been given the seal of approval by an offshore festival or an offshore release, then it does mean a lot to a local audience.
I came out of high school, where my heroes were, like, Michael Jordan and a lot of local rugby players - and on the movie front, it was Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.
What makes a really great fighter is a combination of ingredients: one is everything physical that you can do, and the other is what's mentally there for you. And I think that comes down to how big your heart is and what's driving you.
To act with a tennis ball and imagine it's a tentacle, or if you're in some kind of wilderness film and you go, 'Okay, we can't have a grizzly bear here, but imagine when you step over the rock there there's a grizzly bear.' I don't know. They're tough moments.
I remember being bullied at school, and I remember being cruel to other kids.
In Australia, there aren't a lot of people committed to art, so these communities form that are dedicated to music, theater, cinema, but they're very small. So, they tend to move ahead on the power of collaboration, enthusiasm and creativity.
We are people in circumstances who make choices that we think are right at the time.