I remember reading 'The Guest' and thinking, 'This is going to be something!'
My grandma passed away from cancer, and actually, when I was 18, I had an experience with melanoma – it's in the family. I had that experience where everything comes into perspective. It's the weirdest thing, 'cause you're like, 'It will never happen to me,' and when it does, it's like, 'OK, wow.'
It's awesome when people respond to your movie and love it.
Signing up for 'It Follows,' I didn't have any idea it was going to turn out the way it did, but seeing it, the music and the feel of it definitely was pretty amazing, getting that kind of throwback feel to classic horror movies.
Cape Town, South Africa, was pretty incredible. That's probably the coolest place I have ever been, and the kiteboarding is insane there. It's so windy, so you can get massive air.
I think 'The Shining' is one of the first horror movies I remember seeing.
My dad showed me loads of films when I was young, but I never thought I would be in movies. That didn't seem like a real job to me.
I grew up with horror. My dad loves movies, and he passed a lot of them on to me. There's something so fun about them.
I went from living in the Dominican Republic - every day, my mom and I would cook, or we'd go hang out with the kids - to flying a private jet to Chicago with Zac Efron and Dennis Quaid. People had champagne, and they were going to these amazing restaurants. It was a culture shock. It's important, I think, to have that. To see both sides.
I think it's good to conquer the fears.
I have a weird thing with knives. I don't like knives very much. Like when my parents are cooking in the kitchen and using knives to chop vegetables, I can't be in the same room. For whatever reason, knives just terrify me.
To be honest, you don't get the full picture when you read a script.
I'm a huge fan of the first 'Independence Day.' It is amazing. When it came out in 1995, just how explosive and big it was... I loved it.
At about 17, I decided I wanted to take kiteboarding seriously and compete, so my agents were like, 'Just keep sending in a few audition tapes anyway, just for good stuff.'
It goes without saying that it's important to vote.
I'd really love to work with Quentin Tarantino. There's so many people that I'd love to work with, but there's something about Quentin, and one of my all-time favorite films is 'Kill Bill.' Something along those lines would be such a blast.
Surprisingly, I am great at kiteboarding, but I'm not great at surfing.
I have to say, working with Dan Stevens in 'The Guest' and seeing his transformation was incredible. Also Kate Winslet. Off set, she's loud and sweary, but when she walks on set, she has this calmness and is so centred.
I used to be a professional kiteboarder. People were like, 'Oh, my God, are you scared of sharks? Are you scared of injuries?' You can't be scared. If you're scared, then you can't do it. You can't train to be the best.
I fell in love with the whole process of making a movie. I loved the sets. I loved watching the actors and the crew.
I love horror movies. It's so fun being absolutely terrified. It's damn hard to shoot, though. I didn't realize how difficult it was to make a horror movie as an actor. Physically and mentally, phew.
With a project like 'The 5th Wave,' you do something you would never do in your normal life; I would never have had S.W.A.T. training or boot camp, and there's something really cool about learning stuff like that that's really fun about our job.
I grew up such a horror fan, it's kinda cool being named 'Scream Queen.' I like that.
It's really cool to be able to do both. I get a chance to be in this film with these amazing actors, the coolest people ever, and I try to kiteboard as much in my free time as I can.