George Bernard Shaw Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Greatness starts with the replacement of hatred with polite disdain.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Do not the brave know The greatness of their progeny? A country present will meet thee, And while it may possibly be yours, Three hundred thousand years save one, A short hour of the day of everlasting life.
Let Americans disdain to be the instruments of European greatness! Let the thirteen States, bound together in a strict and indissoluble Union, concur in erecting one great American system, superior to the control of all transatlantic force or influence, and able to dictate the terms of the connection between the old and the new world!
Alexander Hamilton
Ronald Reagan believed in America as the shining city on the hill - Morning in America. But Donald Trump has a much different vision of American greatness, of nationalism - a much darker view, I think, of the world.
Charlie Sykes
From leading the world into the age of democracy to spearheading the technological revolution, America has always been at the forefront of greatness.
Charles B. Rangel
The idea that you have to pursue greatness... it's up to you; it's your life.
Charlie Trotter
I see no greatness in my self...I'm a simple-minded, child-like, insipid sort of moronic and kind of akward feeling adolescent.
Neal Cassady
The greatness of peoples springs from their ability to grasp the grand conceptions of being. It is the absorption of a people, of a nation, of a rare, in large majestic and abiding things which lifts them up to the skies.
Alexander Crummell
Civilization is measured in no small part by these standards. The famous beauty and symmetry of the Greek race in its prime was due in no small part to their general participation in athletic games. This meant development.
Calvin Coolidge
Of actions some aim at what is necessary and useful, and some at what is honorable. And the preference given to one or the other class of actions must necessarily be like the preference given to one or other part of the soul and its actions over the other; there must be war for the sake of peace, business for the sake of leisure, things useful and necessary for the sake of things honorable.
If we are long absent from our friends, we forget them; if we are constantly with them, we despise them.
William Hazlitt
Greatness is one of the sensations of littleness...
George Bernard Shaw