Ernst Mach Quotes
A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence, for instance, upon its luminous source, upon other colours, upon temperatures, upon spaces, and so forth.
Ernst Mach
Quotes to Explore
I dont consider myself a feminist, but Im down for my first opportunity to say something to the world to be so meaningful. If you asked me, What do you want to say? it would be, Love yourself more.
Meghan Trainor
To get along with God, Consider the consequences of your behavior. Earthseed: The Books of the Living
Octavia E. Butler
If you can keep on trying after three failures in a given undertaking you may consider yourself a 'suspect' as a potential leader in your chosen occupation. If you can keep on trying after a dozen failures the seed of a genius is germinating within your soul.
Napoleon Hill
Miracles begin when we consider the possibility that there might be another way.
Marianne Williamson
My readers, who may at first be apt to consider Quotation as downright pedantry, will be surprised when I assure them, that next to the simple imitation of sounds and gestures, Quotation is the most natural and most frequent habitude of human nature. For, Quotation must not be confined to passages adduced out of authors. He who cites the opinion, or remark, or saying of another, whether it has been written or spoken, is certainly one who quotes; and this we shall find to be universally practiced.
James Boswell
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God ... and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
Abraham Lincoln
At this point in time, I don't know if I would change my mind or not, ... I'd certainly consider it. But when I look at the reasons we came up with it in the first place, I'm not sure I would.
John Whiting
They should also consider owning their property as tenants-in-common, rather than jointly, and they could also think about leaving their property in some form of trust.
John Whiting
I don't consider myself no attractive man. People like Tom Jones and Elvis Presley - I'm not nothing like that.
Muhammad Ali
Is it not also true that no physician, in so far as he is a physician, considers or enjoins what is for the physician's interest, but that all seek the good of their patients? For we have agreed that a physician strictly so called, is a ruler of bodies, and not a maker of money, have we not?
Consider the cattle, grazing as they pass you by. They do not know what is meant by yesterday or today, they leap about, eat, rest, digest, leap about again, and so from morn till night and from day to day, fettered to the moment and its pleasure or displeasure, and thus neither melancholy nor bored. [...] A human being may well ask an animal: 'Why do you not speak to me of your happiness but only stand and gaze at me?' The animal would like to answer, and say, 'The reason is I always forget what I was going to say' - but then he forgot this answer too, and stayed silent.
Friedrich Nietzsche
To consider this desirable would be to delight in the slaughter of men; and he who delights in the slaughter of men cannot get his will in the kingdom.
Lao Tzu
A true man of piety will consider himself a sinner and, therefore, untouchable.
Mahatma Gandhi
As everyone knows, the ancients before Aristotle did not consider the dream a product of the dreaming mind, but a divine inspiration, and in ancient times the two antagonistic streams, which one finds throughout in the estimates of dream life, were already noticeable. They distinguished between true and valuable dreams, sent to the dreamer to warn him or to foretell the future, and vain, fraudulent, and empty dreams, the object of which was to misguide or lead him to destruction.
Sigmund Freud
I consider myself responsible to the coming generations, which are left stranded in a blitzed world, unaware of the soul trembling in awe before the mystery of life.
Oskar Kokoschka
She tried to be calm, and leave things to take their course; and tried to dwell much on this argument of rational dependence – “Surely, if there be constant attachment on each side, our hearts must understand each other ere long. We are not boy and girl, to be captiously irritable, misled by every moment’s inadvertence, and wantonly playing with our own happiness.” And yet, a few minutes afterwards, she felt as if their being in company with each other, under their present circumstances, could only be exposing them to inadvertencies and misconstructions of the most mischievous kind.
Jane Austen
I would consider him definitely one of my very best friends and I know he feels the same about me. We have a lot of love and respect.
Anthony Kiedis
Red Hot Chili Peppers
There's some things in life that you really consider to be priceless.
Dave Grohl
While I reiterate the professions of my dependence upon Heaven... I will observe that... no man who is profligate in his morals... can possibly be a true Christian.
George Washington
For me, being part of the WTA tour is a privilege. Every day I wake up, it's a privilege to be able to go outside and do what I love. It's a privilege to be able to make my own hours, even though they're long, but I make them.
Venus Williams
Why is no one talking about all the potential savings from a complete economic collapse?
Eugene Mirman
A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence, for instance, upon its luminous source, upon other colours, upon temperatures, upon spaces, and so forth.
Ernst Mach