When two souls compose a single song, The muse fans Livid wrath before long.
Forgive, son; men are men; they needs must err.
There is something in the pang of change more than the heart can bear, unhappiness remembering happiness.
All is change; all yields its place and goes.
Anger exceeding limits causes fear and excessive kindness eliminates respect.
There is one thing alone that stands the brunt of life throughout its course; a quiet conscience.
Cowards do not count in battle; they are there, but not in it.
Who then will dare to say I'm weak or timid? No, they'll say I'm loyal as a friend, ruthless as a foe, so much like a hero destined for glory.
There is the sky, which is all men's together.
The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.
I envy that man who passes through life safely, to the world and fame unknown.
The wisest men follow their own direction.
A wise fellow who is also worthless always charms the rabble.
My hands are clean, but my heart has somewhat of impurity.
Too much zeal offends where indirection works.
Vengeance comes not slowly either upon you or any other wicked man, but steals silently and imperceptibly, placing its foot on the bad.
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.
Since luck's a nine days' wonder, wait their end.
A second wife is hateful to the children of the first; A viper is not more hateful.
Fortune always will confer an aura of worth, unworthily; and in this world The lucky person passes for a genius.
Women's love is for their men, not for their children.
Since we are mortal, friendships are best kept to a moderate level, rather than sharing the very depths of our souls.
Mighty is geometry; joined with art, resistless.
O virtue, I have followed you through life, and find you at last but a shade.