When cheated, wife or husband feels the same.
A coward turns away, but a brave man's choice is danger.
Character is "a stamp of good repute on a person."
We must believe in the gods no longer if injustice is to prevail over justice.
Ares (The God of War) hates those who hesitate.
Only a madman would give good for evil.
He who believes needs no explanation.
To an old father, nothing is more sweet than a daughter. Boys are more spirited, but their ways are not so tender.
Danger gleams like sunshine to a brave man's eyes.
He is life's liberating force. He is release of limbs and communion through dance. He is laughter, and music in flutes. He is repose from all cares -- he is sleep! When his blood bursts from the grape and flows across tables laid in his honor to fuse with our blood, he gently, gradually, wraps us in shadows of ivy-cool sleep.
When one with honeyed words but evil mind Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.
Poverty possesses this disease; through want it teaches a man evil.
What greater grief than the loss of one's native land.
Necessity is harsh. Fate has no reprieve.
Ten thousand men possess ten thousand hopes.
The first requisite to happiness is that a man be born in a famous city.
Nothing has more strength than dire necessity.
The daughters of Sparta are never at home! They mingle with the young men in wrestling matches.
When good men die their goodness does not perish, But lives though they are gone. As for the bad, All that was theirs dies and is buried with them.
Time cancels young pain.
Where there are two, one cannot be wretched, and one not.
Old age is not a total misery. Experience helps.