Helen Keller Quotes
Quotes to Explore
The talent curve in game-making is going straight up to Heaven.
Art is about play and about transcendent meanings, not reducible to politics.
My youngest sister belonged to a group called the Twelve Tribes for many years. She recently left, with her husband and four children. Talking to her about her experiences in the group is fascinating, moving, and enlightening.
Sales don't always have anything to do with good or brilliant or original. Sales are about appeal.
When I feel like my body is exhausted, I focus on making my fifth Olympic team so I can push through it.
I have a strong desire to communicate what I feel about the world. That's exciting to me.
Paul Lucas had a particularly amusing accent, so I chuckled. That was terrible; I shouldn't have done that, but he took it too big. He got up and said he couldn't work with people who laughed at him!
When I have really blonde hair, I usually go for a more natural look, wearing way less makeup.
I would like to be known for honest, relatable writing and stories that that are real. There's just this shift I think is happening in a lot of society right now where being your most real self, however embarrassing or vulnerable or weird that is, is the coolest. I feel like that's what Lena Dunham's about and Amy Schumer's about.
My conception of my ideal reader has expanded quite a lot as I've matured: Ultimately when I think of my ideal reader, it's someone who's not sitting down with the intention of automatically arguing with the book: somebody who's going to give me enough slack to tell my story.
News is something that happens that matters to you, which is not most of what we watch on television.
No production without a need. But consumption reproduces the need.
Nothing in the world is permanent, and we're foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we're still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of existence one would have thought it only sensible to make it the premise of our philosophy.
It is moral by his code to get into office by false pretences. It is moral to change convictions overnight. Anything is moral that furthers the main concern of his soul, which is to keep a place at the public trough.
You know, that's the only good thing about divorce; you get to sleep with your mother.
Innumerable twinkling of the waves of the sea.
He's one of my closest friends in the industry. He makes me feel like a teenager - I have to act and think like an adult so much. He makes me feel young again.
'Another world is not only possible, she's on the way and, on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathe.'
But when she tried to say something, the words always seemed trite and inadequate. Nothing measured up. When any moment might be their last, there was nothing she could ever imagine saying that had the necessary dignity to fill that instant. Silence was better. Silence had its own dignity.
I could not riding out alone about my business, but smile out to God in praises, in assurance of victory because God would, by things that are not, bring to naught things that are.
Under the dominion of the priests our earth became the ascetic planet; a squalid den careering through space, peopled by discontented and arrogant creatures, who were disgusted with life, abhorred their globe as a vale of tears, and who in their envy and hatred of beauty and joy did themselves as much harm as possible.
The liquid drops of tears that you have shed Shall come again, transform'd to orient pearl, Advantaging their loan with interest Of ten times double gain of happiness.
No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through tears.