Eve Arnold Quotes
It's the hardest thing in the world to take the mundane and try to show how special it is.

Quotes to Explore
Directors are our teachers, and I'm always craving to work with a great director. They're pretty much the first thing that interests me about a project. Let's put it this way: It'll take me a lot longer to read a script if there's no director attached.
There is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope.
You've got to take the bitter with the sour.
We think of the 1950s as an oppressive time in the culture, and indeed it was, but it was also in many ways a more secular moment, and one in which great scientific achievements flourished. I don't want to get too gauzy about this, but there was much more respect for science as a necessary part of society.
A filial son to his father can be a traitorous subject to his ruler.
Contrary to what professional economists will typically tell you, economics is not a science. All economic theories have underlying political and ethical assumptions, which make it impossible to prove them right or wrong in the way we can with theories in physics or chemistry.
The real problem is deflation. That is the opposite of inflation but equally serious to the borrower.
I love who I am and I love my life, but if I could be someone else, I'd be Beyonce in two seconds.
It's no secret that we were sticking just about every nickel we had on the chance that people would really be interested in something totally new and unique in the field of entertainment.
If a film is very clever and well-written, that's what gives you freedom as a director.
A bad man is the sort who weeps every time he speaks of a good woman.
One should also remember that the U.S. is the biggest exporter of torture weapons in the world, though the U.K. is not far behind in the league table. We never stopped, even under Robin Cook's supposedly ethical foreign policy.
I sent one e-mail in my life. I sent it to Jeff Raikes at Microsoft, and it ended up in court in Minneapolis, so I am one for one.
I was planning on my future as a homeless person. I had a really good spot picked out.
My life was pretty rough.
We have a saying in France. A dog doesn't make a cat.
It turns out that American Express honors recurring payments even if the vendor is unable to supply an accurate card number and expiration date. An Amex phone representative said this is a feature, not a bug, which makes sure my bills are paid.
As I inched sluggishly along the treadmill of the Maycomb County school system, I could not help receiving the impression that I was being cheated out of something. Out of what I knew not, yet I did not believe that twelve years of unrelieved boredom was exactly what the state had in mind for me.
I'm opposed to giving people money for doing nothing.
I would also like to act, once in a while, but not get up every morning at 5:30 or six o'clock and pound into the studio and get home at 7:30 or eight o'clock at night, or act over and over and over every night on Broadway, either.
The image of Ireland is projected as a male image in the acting world, similar to the way that the word of Ireland is male dominated.
Laughing a lot is really good for you, embracing your children's future and embracing your grandchildren, and not having regrets and not being bitter and not being angry.
His noble negligences teachWhat others' toils despair to reach.
It's the hardest thing in the world to take the mundane and try to show how special it is.