Sappho Quotes
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The guys in my band buy instruments and sell and trade them. But if I have something I hang onto it. Everything is sentimental to me.
Most of my instruments are handmade.
I started playing violin in the 5th grade. They had a program in school where you could get out of class to go play instruments. So I raised my hand, left out of class, me and a bunch of my homeboys, just to get out of class for that day. They asked what instrument you wanted to play and I picked the violin.
The initial notion for 'Check Your Head' was just all three of us getting back to playing instruments.
The sleeping tortoise takes all its limbs into its carapace. So does the yogi: going back into himself he does not see anything worldly any longer, he makes peace in himself.
In some ways, I feel like I've been such a dilettante for so many years, just picking up instruments and stretching myself so thin.
If you can play the piano, you can play any instrument.
If there is anything that can bind the heavenly mind of man to this dreary exile of our earthly home and can reconcile us with our fate so that one can enjoy living,-then it is verily the enjoyment of the mathematical sciences and astronomy.
I have tried to improve telescopes and practiced continually to see with them. These instruments have play'd me so many tricks that I have at last found them out in many of their humours.
Instruments and playthings are sense and spirit: behind them there is still the Self. The Self seeketh with the eyes of the senses, it hearkeneth also with the ears of the spirit.
Arms are instruments of ill omen.... When one is compelled to use them, it is best to do so without relish. There is no glory in victory, and to glorify it despite this is to exult in the killing of men.... When great numbers of people are killed, one should weep over them with sorrow. When victorious in war, one should observe mourning rites.
The instruments of darkness tell us truths.
The love of heaven makes one heavenly.
When devils will the blackest sins put on They do suggest at first with heavenly shows
The present is never the mark of our designs. We use both past and present as our means and instruments, but the future only as our object and aim.
I aspire to be an instrument of the director. I'm happiest like that. The stronger the director, the more I'm willing to give them.
When the sun rises, do you not see a round disc of fire somewhat like a guinea? O no, no, I see an innumerable company of the heavenly host crying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
The only time I'm miserable is when I can't keep an instrument in tune.
Don't have much, but what I've got is yours, except of course my steel guitar.
Branding is something designers think about a lot. You take something like a perfume or car tire, or butt-flavored bubblegum, and you ask questions about it that you shouldn't be able to ask. What kind of tuxedo would this car tire wear to the prom? What is this perfume's favorite movie? You try to end up in a place where you understand a product as if it is a person.
I took my lyre and said: come now, my heavenly tortoise shell: become a speaking instrument.