Never ask a favor until you are drawing your last breath; and never forget one.
Sara Willis -
It is the most astonishing thing that persons who have not sufficient education to spell correctly, to punctuate properly, to place capital letters in the right places, should, when other means of support fail, send mss. for publication.
Sara Willis
The cream of enjoyment in this life is always impromptu. The chance walk; the unexpected visit; the unpremeditated journey; the unsought conversation or acquaintance.
Sara Willis -
Everything in the country, animate and inanimate, seems to whisper, be serene, be kind, be happy. We grow tolerant there unconsciously.
Sara Willis -
they who are not fastidious as to the means, seldom fail of securing the result they aim at.
Sara Willis -
Why will parents use that expression? What right have you to have a favorite child?
Sara Willis -
Blessed be sleep! We are all young then; we are all happy. Then our dead are living.
Sara Willis -
I am getting sick of people. I am falling in love with things. They hold their tongues.
Sara Willis
Hurry, drive and bustle ... Everybody looking out for number one, and caring little who jostled past, if their rights were not infringed.
Sara Willis -
I am convinced that there are times in everybody's experience when there is so much to be done, that the only way to do it is to sit down and do nothing.
Sara Willis -
Well, it is a humiliating reflection, that the straightest road to a man's heart is through his palate.
Sara Willis -
A little oil makes machinery work easy.
Sara Willis -
There are so many ready to write (poor fools!) for the honor and glory of the thing, and there are so many ready to take advantage of this fact, and withhold from needy talent the moral right to a deserved remuneration.
Sara Willis -
Pity that gold should always bring with it the canker - covetousness.
Sara Willis
To her, the name of father was another name for love.
Sara Willis -
adversity is so rough a teacher!
Sara Willis -
What a pity when editors review a woman's book, that they so often fall into the error of reviewing the woman instead.
Sara Willis -
Oh! to be a child again. My only treasures, bits of shell and stone and glass. To love nothing but maple sugar. To fear nothing but a big dog. To go to sleep without dreading the morrow. To wake up with a shout. Not to have seen a dead face. Not to dread a living one. To be able to believe.
Sara Willis -
Why don't men ... leave off those detestable stiff collars, stocks, and things, that make them all look like choked chickens, and which hide so many handsomely-turned throats, that a body never sees, unless a body is married, or unless a body happens to see a body's brothers while they are shaving.
Sara Willis -
Fitz Allen had 'traveled;' and that is generally understood to mean to go abroad and remain a period of time long enough to grow a fierce beard, and fierce mustache, and cultivate a thorough contempt for everything in your own country.
Sara Willis