There are days where I lose track of time, of place, of everything else, because I've been transported to another universe.
Whether you're an obstetrician or a third-grade teacher or a real estate agent, you know when you're doing good work. You're passionate about it.
I've had lots of commercial success. I've also had some terrible reviews and some wonderful reviews.
Our culture is so celebrity-obsessed that for individuals to show they matter, they need to display their intimacy to fame.
Everyone has early fiction fantasies, but it wasn't until my second child Betsy was born that I allowed the urge to write a novel bubble up.
I never failed at anything in fiction.
I see myself as writing biographies, the complete story of someone's life.
There is no 'right' way to begin a novel, but for me, plot has to wait. The character comes first.
Being a novelist is the adult version of a kid creating a make-believe world. But unlike a child, a writer of fiction has to come up with a structured story, one that has as much meaning for others as it has for her.
I like to show ordinary people reacting to extraordinary circumstances. It's an opportunity for adventure, and I like women to have adventures. There's been far too little of it with women.