Every story, every poem, every written piece is about belonging. There is a me, there is a we, there is an us, and we want to belong to it or we don't want to belong. You can read every story with this as its main focus.
As a child, all you see is that adults are not playing. Adults are not talking too much. Adults don't want to relate to each other.
We rely too much on the people we share our lives with. We hold them responsible for things they are not even aware of. We start blaming them.
You're looking for something, I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'm looking. Writing is a lot about that. When you write a poem. When you write a novel.
I don't have any doubts that I need writing. I need it personally because this is the way I think.
For me, writing is a way of finding out about things I didn't know before I began writing.
To read is to cover one's face. And to write is to show it.
Everything has been said and everything has been done, but you still feel like you are looking for something.