Photography has all the rights, and all the merits, necessary for us to turn towards it as the art of our time.
We must revolutionize our optical perception. We must remove the veil from our eyes.
Only the camera seems to be really capable of describing modern life.
One has to take several different shots of a subject, from different points of view and in different situations, as if one examined it in the round rather than looked through the same key-hole again and again.
I reduced painting to its logical conclusion and exhibited three canvases: red, blue and yellow. I affirmed: it's all over. Basic colors. Every plane is a plane and there is to be no representation.
Photography - the new, rapid, concrete reflector of the world - should surely undertake to show the world from all vantage points, and to develop people's capacity to see from all sides.
Damn it, nobody knows what is beautiful and what is not. They do not understand new things.
Don’t try to capture a man in one synthetic portrait, but rather in lots of snapshots taken at different times and in different circumstances.
Photography has every right and every merit to claim our attention as the art of our age.
My goal is to photograph not a factory but the work itself from the most effective point of view.. ..in order to show the grandness of a machine, one should photograph not all of it but give a series of snapshots.