I love the idea of spies in love. How would it work between two people who were so programmed to lie and be suspicious, who have a whole life based on pretence?
Developing films with directors, developing films with actors, is a poor percentage play for a screenwriter.
I like emotions, but I really don't like sentimentality, and I don't like when things break their spell.
Once a film costs a certain amount of money, things have to round off.
I spend a lot of time in a sort of free state when I'm writing in the beginning and sketching.
A reversal is just anything that's a surprise. It's a way of keeping the audience interested.
But what I didn't recognize when I was much younger was this sort of...when you're on, when you're really on, go at it.
Different people work different ways.
The people in the Philippines are so extraordinarily nice.
I love IMAX when it works right.
What you need to know to direct a movie is of such great variety. I've worked with people who were maestros, who know everything. I've worked with people who were empty and lost, who had no clue what they were doing. You wouldn't hire them to paint your apartment. And then there's everything in-between. There's no list of skills you have to have to sit in that chair.
You just try to find something that interests you, and particular something that interests you that's gonna consume you the way that these big movies just really eat you up.
No one should feel sorry for a successful screenwriter.
I don't remember writing anything until I wrote my college application.
I never really like it when other writers talk about coming in behind people and rewriting.
I like knowing where I am in action sequences if I'm supposed to.
Everyone I know who used to be in the intelligence community is moving into the corporate world.
I have written a bunch of scripts that have not gotten produced, much more so early in my career than later.
I've never taken a job on anything I didn't want to do.
I don't like to be crazy on different levels all of the time.