Baking may be regarded as a science, but it's the chemistry between the ingredients and the cook that gives desserts life. Baking is done out of love, to share with family and friends, to see them smile.
Like the pioneers of old, a creative person breaks new ground daily.
As long as you're willing to be called a fool, you can create anything, do anything, be anything.
Success is seldom permanent, and failure is seldom fatal. The important thing is to keep trying.
I have a rule: before I can throw anything out, I have to write down five possible uses for it. This stretches my mind and keeps it nimble - just like stretching exercises do for my body.
If you're nervous about doing something, plan to do it badly, giving yourself credit for just doing it. That takes a weight off your shoulders because anyone can do something badly.
It's not something we want to do. But the reality is, we can't afford a new tram. And this mountain is bigger than one lift.
Your job is to create. Their job is to try to stop you. Don't do both jobs.