Like when you go to a magic show and you know how they do the illusions. That's how I am when I watch any movies where they have people flying through the air.
We are always just trying to be strong and yet in touch with our bodies and the only way you can really do that is to believe in yourself because that’s all that you have.
I wouldn't say that I'm overly religious, but I have a pretty good relationship with my spiritual being.
Just believe in yourself and to find spirituality that’s going to carry you. Because all the rest is just fluff.
I've grown so much as a person through playing Gabrielle, much less living in New Zealand and being with all of these people that I can't imagine my life being any different.
I find that actors who are wanting to pursue tv or films don't seem to have much interest in classical theatre.
I'm the type of person who feels I have to prove myself first.
I think the joy of wanting to direct is having that nervous anxiety knowing your film is about to be shown and you're sitting right there with everyone.
And I think because there is an essence of me that cares about other people and what other people think then that then makes me seem very sweet and polite.
When you think about going back to the States you start to become more aware of the violence there and how we pollute the Earth more than the New Zealanders.
I love actors who are wonderful - like John Cusack and Russell Crowe, and wouldn't it be a treat to eventually direct them one day.
It's very hard to become an actor in film and television, you have to have such perseverance and you have to really believe that if you have any sort of talent at all, you will find work one day.
I always thought I would be a marine biologist because I love the sea - but considering the fact that I've always loved acting and the theater, I don't think I ever gave anything else much of a chance.
I’ve been looking at oil paintings from oriental artists lately, and the one artist who’s inspired me right now is a man named Hokusai and I’ve had his book by my bed looking at how he interprets landscapes – mountains and water and flowers and birds.
In film and television you have to be able to see the whole picture in a different way than you do on the stage because you shoot out of order and you're working with technology.
Maybe they say they do but I don't think many actors really enjoy trying to do a Shakespearean play.
For me it's all about creating a goal and fulfilling it.
I believe I have a lot to learn in life, still.
Filmmaking in general is just really where I'm putting all of my energy.
Painting is a hobby for me.
And not to mean that I think I'm some special person, but I think we're all here for a very specific reason and once you figure out what that is then you're on the right track and we're all on the ride together.
I believe over the last six years now, I've been learning in between actual acting moments on the show.
All the pictures in magazines and all of that is fun but in the end it's all about your soul and who you are and have you connected with the people.
I mean, I like to be creative because it challenges me to try to be better than I am as a person and I hope that in some way that that makes someone else think and feel something about themselves that then has given them the opportunity to grow.