Nicholas Evans Quotes
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I don't pretend to be anything but an actor and a writer.
I'm a total people pleaser.
One of the biggest problems with the modern feminist movement is its failure to bring men along with us.
Even a purely moral act that has no hope of any immediate and visible political effect can gradually and indirectly, over time, gain in political significance.
I have always hated slavery, I think, as much as any abolitionist. I have been an Old Line Whig. I have always hated it, but I have always been quiet about it until this new era of the introduction of the Nebraska Bill began.
Any athlete has massive reserves in their body and their emotional landscape.
Where I live, nobody who's fourteen is having sex and doing major drugs. And I think if you see it in the movies, you may be influenced by it. I think it's so important to preserve your innocence.
I wish I had given more time to learning classical singing.
I've directed enough in the theatre and a couple of films to know that - to feel fairly secure that if I find a story that I really like I can probably get it done somewhat.
My father put it right when he said: 'I don't get ulcers. I give ulcers.'
The minute I understand a man, he is no longer exciting and a challenge to me. And the last thing in the world I want is for a man to understand me and know what's always going on inside my head. It takes away from all my mystery, which, as I've told you before, is the most important thing between a man and a woman.
I know there's more to life than making lots of money and being successful and even getting married and having a family.
I understood public relations and always maintained a high profile.
But there's one thing we must all be clear about: terrorism is not the pursuit of legitimate goals by some sort of illegitimate means. Whatever the murderers may be trying to achieve, creating a better world certainly isn't one of their goals. Instead they are out to murder innocent people.
Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end.
I looked up at several pockmarks in the nearest wall; if they weren’t bullet holes, the place had damned big hailstones.
There are only two loves, whence originate all our wishes and all our actions: the love of God which does all for God and which God rewards and the love of ourselves and of the world, which does not refer to God what should be referred to him and which for that very reason becomes evil.
Nequeunt oculis rerum primordia cerni.
No teacher has ever been better prepared to teach a lesson.
O fair, false city, thou gay and gilded harlot! Wo for thy wanton heart, wo for thy wicked hardness!Wo unto thee, that the lightsomeness of life, beneath Italian suns, Should meet the solemnity of death, in a sepulchre so foul and fearful!
In manufacturing food for its own cells, the plant is producing a supply of food that will be available for the sustenance of animal cells also. Thus the entire animal World may be said to be a vast parasitic colony as absolutely dependent upon the vegetable colony for its essential food supplies as any other parasite is dependent upon its host.
If we've learned anything, it's that the combination of yellow smiley faces and blue polyester vests are irresistible to the inbred.
There was death at its beginning as there would be death again at its end.