Belgium is a country with a split personality.
I have no patience with up-themselves authors who complain about having to trail round a few bookshops signing stock.
The short story feels like the most natural length for prose fiction, or certainly for the kind of ideas and situations I like to encounter.
Increasingly, those who used to teach and write critical or theoretical texts are writing fiction, poetry and so on; and kinds of texts are being produced that call for budding readers rather different from those who studied literature in the past.
I've written over 100 short stories. You could say I'm obsessed with short stories.
I'm not trying to write cinematic novels, but I have been told several times that my style is cinematic.
I always have lots of zany ideas for promotional stuff as publication nears.
I am interested in power and in the idea of one country exerting power over another. The Soviets took this to an extreme.
I never know exactly where I'm going with a story, whether it's a short story or a novel. If I did I'd soon grow bored of it. The fun, for me, is in the finding out and the making sense of it.
I love experimental writing, when it's good, and good examples are much more likely to be found in the short form.