The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.
Astley comes to my side. 'Are you well?' 'No,' I tell him, voice hoarse. 'I am not well. I am broken inside. I am broken almost all-the-way deep, and I don't know...I don't know if I can ever be unbroken, let alone well again'.
You know, life fractures all of us into little pieces. It harms us, but it’s how we glue those fractures back together that makes us stronger.
Hormonal ones, I am right here. Me. The old lady otherwise known as your grandmother
There is no easy off button for your brain. It would be really really nice if there were.
“Maybe,” he says slowly, as if each word is an effort, “she took advantage of me.
I turn back to the lake, stare at the ice slowly moving on the surface of the water. Pieces of the solid fall into the liquid, but it's all just water no matter what its form.
I'll have you eating healthy eventually. Probably so. Seems like I'll do about anything for you.
She bonks her head so hard with her hand i want to get her an ice pack
How about I burn us some dinner before my shift starts.
If you pass out, I'll put you in my lap and wheel you across the finish line
There is something about libraries, old libraries, that makes them seem almost sacred. There's a smell of paper and must and binding stuff. It's like all the books are fighting against decay, against turning into dust, and at the same time fighting for attention.
Why would I want to fit in?
Fear makes us stronger, puts us on our toes. We’ve got to embrace it. Issie
It's just him and me and cookies.
Pixiophobia: a fear of Pixies. I made this up, but believe me it should be a word because it sure is a legitimate fear.
Sometimes the monsters are not monsters, she says. I know. I nod. And sometimes the monsters are within us all, even in those we think are most good.
We teleported," Issie finishes. "Like in Star Trek or Harry Potter, sort of. No! Like in Dr. Who in that episode with the Sontarans and the brilliant human boy, or really any Dr. Who ever if you think of the Tardis! Holy canola! That is just the coolest thing ever! Wowie, wow, wow!
Anywhere I roam, where I lay my head is home.
All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be someplace else.
A cheerleader? Do I look like a guy who'd be interested in talking to a cheerleader?
It's hard to save the world when you can't save yourself
Finally the bell rings and the teenage Pavlovian dogs mosve to the next kennel.
His reddish hair is rumpled, but in a deliberate I'm-in-a-boy-band way.