Babies are fun for punting. Even a lousy kicker can get one almost all the way over a football field.
Will Ferrell is about as funny as leprosy, except without the possibility of seeing someone with missing limbs.
As far as I'm concerned, he'll always listen to me.
It's always good to come back to a place where you have fond memories. It's such a big challenge, with the (lane) patterns, the conditions of the U.S. Open. But it's time for it, I'm ready for it and I'm really looking forward to this week.
He got tired of sitting on the bench.
It wasn't bowling in the commercial by itself. That's just what triggered it. I must have had some things going on ahead of time. It was just a reminder that I needed to take a little bit better care of myself and work at the gym a little bit harder.
This is becoming a real problem. There's competition to keep costs down and prices low. That comes at the expense of doing due diligence, market research, and having focus groups test products.
Having a personality now is a good thing, and bowling has grabbed a different audience than we've had for a lot of years.
Amadeus found that travelers are not just looking for a low fare - they want choices, and are even willing to pay for amenities and options that will enhance their flying experience. Consumers are not always looking for the lowest price; they are looking for the best price that fits in line with their travel needs.
Amos built a wigwam in the clubhouse because he didn't want the reporters talking to him. He didn't like something that was written in the paper. I looked in there and saw an Indian blanket. He was sitting on it like a chief.
They all have a year under their belt, so we hope to be really competitive.
Its been a crazy ride. A couple of tournaments ago I wasn't even supposed to be here. But I got a Major and everything is coming full circle now. It's a nerve wracking situation. I just got the luckiest break of all time on that last shot.
Improved consumer choice and improved airline profits represent a win/win situation. Airlines that provide consumers flexibility - choice, control and convenience - can more effectively compete for consumers' business. Choice instantly increases consumer confidence, because when you know what you're getting, you are more likely to be loyal.
We attract a young, hip, active, energetic customer base, and that development seems to be attuned to that demographic.
Earl was laughing about it by then. He thought it was funny.
It's a little ginger. It's gotten better every week. There's been no issues in the last three or four weeks at all.
I've had some good fortune in this building. It's always challenging. The two sides upstairs and downstairs play differently. There's a lot of obstacles here and a lot of things that keep you on your toes. But the fans here are great and I think it's our most prestigious tournament.