To begin with, our perception of the world is deformed, incomplete. Then our memory is selective.
Life is not only full of sound and fury. It also has butterflies, flowers, art.
The most woeful ingredients of the Spanish civil war were its selfish motives, the hidden ambitions it served, the emphasis on hollow words used by both sides; it seemed to be a comedy - terribly bloody - but a comedy all the same.
For me, the big chore is always the same: how to begin a sentence, how to continue it, how to complete it.
To begin with, our perception of the world is deformed, incomplete. Then our memory is selective. Finally, writing transforms.
There is no such thing as a 'real' representation of 'reality.' Except, perhaps, in algebraic formulae.
Each time a writer or an artist 'tells' the world in an ever so slightly new fashion, it is changed.
In general, I distrust philosophy. Plato recommended chasing poets from the city; the 'great' Heidegger was a Nazi; Lukacs was a communist; and J. P. Sartre wrote: 'Any anti-communist is a dog.'