Garry Winogrand Quotes
Quotes to Explore
I've never been one to run from a challenge.
Best player I ever played against? I mean, I played against many, many good players, so I don't know who to keep. I would say Ronaldo the Fenomeno.
Everyone who likes my books is like me in some way.
I like to do everything myself - I'm very hands-on with my housekeeping, my children, travelling, how I do things.
It's true that I'm taking a break from writing a regular column to do other things but it's got nothing to do with what dear Simon has or has not written.
Calling Rand Paul 'the most interesting man in politics' is an invitation to an argument - but one we suspect he'd love to have.
When you multitask, you believe you're being exceptionally productive, but really, you're fooling yourself. Each time you switch tasks, you have to backtrack a little and remind yourself where you are in the process and what's next. Invariably. you are spending twice as much time on parts of the task.
Every concert I've finished with the knowledge I've played a fistful of wrong notes.
Santorum is the greatest person on the face of the planet as far as I'm concerned.
Whatever people thought the first time they held a portable phone the size of a shoe in their hands, it was nothing like where we are now, accustomed to having all knowledge at our fingertips.
I have superfine, superoily hair, so my struggle is always trying to get the volume I want. I end up not doing much with it ever.
No, I had not read any other comedian's book. Not that I don't enjoy other comedians; I'm just not a reader.
Stand by your man. Give him two arms to cling to and something warm to come to.
I just sort of go along and say what I think -and that's all you can do in life, really.
My film knowledge is pretty shocking. I'm trying to correct that.
Writing is writing, and stories are stories. Perhaps the only true genres are fiction and non-fiction. And even there, who can be sure?
Technological discoveries are the spermatozoa of social change.
No one should ever be forced to choose between food and education, or medicine and shelter when they don't have the resources. It's very unfair.
We sure do talk a lot for a team that gives up a couple big plays every game...
We may smile and the dog may wag the tail, but in essence, we have a set program and those programs are similar across individuals in the species.
Vaccines are the tugboats of preventive health.
There's no conversation more boring than talking about what it's really like to live in Newport and how the show compares to the real thing. I just don't care.
What's agitating about solitude is the inner voice telling you that you should be mated to somebody, that solitude is a mistake. The inner voice doesn't care about who you find. It just keeps pestering you, tormenting you--if you happen to be me--with homecoming queens first, then girls next door, and finally anybody who might be pleased to see you now and then at the dinner table and in bed on occasion. You look up from reading the newspaper and realize that no one loves you, and no one burns for you.
When I look at photographs, I couldn't care less "how."