I meditate because evolution gave me a big brain, but it didn't come with an instruction manual. I meditate because life is too short and sitting slows it down. I meditate because life is too long and I need an occasional breakI meditate because it's such a relief to spend time ignoring myselfI meditate because I'm building myself a bigger and better perspective, and occasionally I need to add a new window.
Artists speak to a different part of us, bypassing the cloudy filter of reason and the fears and prejudices of the habitual mind.
A belief in reincarnation would at least give us some slack; we would have many lifetimes to get it right.
Empires rise and fall like the abdomen of God. It's just the universe breathing.
Artists are visited by the Muses, or tormented by their own passions and demons.
If you don't like the news go out and make some of your own.
One suggestion is to regard your personality as a pet. It follows you around anyway, so give it a name and make friends with it. Keep it on a leash when you need to, and let it run free when you feel that is appropriate. Train it as well as you can, and then accept its idiosyncrasies, but always remember that your pet is not you. Your pet has its own life, and just happens to be in an intimate relationship with you, whoever you may be, hiding there behind your personality.
After a few years of meditation practice we can even learn how to occasionally ignore ourselves. And what relief that can be!
As strange as it sounds, meditation may reveal that we are happier than we thought we were. We may discover that ancient conditioning rather than present circumstances is causing our dissatisfaction , and that this moment is quite sufficient or even wonderful, and we simply hadn't noticed.
By translating their inner turmoil or understanding into art, artists challenge the accepted notions of reality and create new ones.
What's the matter? What's the antimatter? Does it antimatter?
Poetry is the special medium of spiritual crazy wisdom, the form of expression that comes closest to creating a bridge between words and what is wordless.