Unless you work at the Republican National Committee or some other conservatively affiliated organization, people's personal political preferences should not be a criterion for employment or comfort in the workplace.
Keep in mind that when you tell people to come see you, they might not get the idea about when it's time to leave.
Not many people could juggle graduate school and two jobs.
It is a mystery why people think they need to act as their friends' dietitian, nonetheless it's common.
Accept the fact that life presents us with opportunities to find more than one "one", and that you have learned a mighty life lesson when the next one comes along.
I try to direct people in distress to the right resources, where they can get comprehensive help. I've heard from many people that simply putting down in a letter what is going on in their lives is therapeutic in and of itself.
Don't underestimate the power of the nonplussed look and the shake of the head. Letting noxious words hang in the air can be very powerful.
I think it's helpful for kids to know that their parents weren't perfect, that they messed up and learned from their mistakes. So be open about some of your own struggles or express gratitude that your kids are taking advantage of the opportunities they have instead of squandering many of them, the way you did.
I have this wonderful capacity just to walk away from my mistakes and not dwell on them.
I counseled a 75-year-old married, bi-sexual man who was having a gay affair and was not having sex with his wife to continue his secret life because that seemed like the kindest thing to do. But a young woman embarking on married life, hoping to start a family with her husband, needs to at least know he's already living a double life.
I agree that not responding, and blocking his email, is the way to deal with the man you hope falls silent again.
If you think a caregiver has an active substance abuse problem, that person should never be entrusted with your child.
I can't imagine anything that would signal more clearly that life goes on and joy can follow tragedy than your having a much wanted child.
The human heart is a mysterious and sometimes dark place.