You may think you're married to a woman, but she's really an overgrown child.
The only solution seems to be for government to toughen the vaccination laws and close the loopholes that allow people to opt out for philosophical and so-called religious reasons. The laws need to make clear: no shot, no school.
When people are really drunk they have a propensity to harm themselves and others - they fall off buildings, they drive into other cars.
I'm not a big advocate of living together before marriage. It can be the right thing, but it can also leave two people stuck together who haven't figured out what they really want out of the relationship.
People often recommend, "Why do you ask?" as a good conversation stopper. But that really doesn't end the conversation, it just leaves the other person sputtering for a response. I like, "You'll be the first to know.".
Extreme picky eaters may have what's called Selective Eating Disorder. People with this experience physical and psychological discomfort over certain tastes, smells, textures.
Children need adult men in their lives.
I spent most of my 20s dating older men, and I really wish I had spent that time dating men my own age who were going through the same experiences I was. I totally understand the appeal of a mature, dashing older man over fellow twenty-somethings who are still figuring things out. And, true, a fling with an older man can be instructive in many ways, and no doubt he finds you attractive.
Аs I've mentioned many times, sitting through graduation ceremonies is one of life's drearier milestones.
My inbox showed me how much pain there is in the world. I appreciated hearing from people, but it was hard to know I couldn't do anything.
The sadness from reading letters that you know you can't help because it's a person who's in extremis and their problems are not soluble by an advice column.
If you look at books that describe the 16 personality types, you can see how different they are from each other.
I marvel with distress that in 2015 we are fighting the vaccination wars. It is deeply disturbing that people who should be able to weigh discredited so-called studies instead believe garbage, and so are willing to endanger their children and others. I sincerely hope this madness burns itself out before a lot more people get hurt.
The biggest problem is that people want to tell the whole story, and they write letters that are way longer than anything I could possibly run.
Polygamy has an ancient history and is legal in many parts of the world. I find the rules of polygamy to be damaging and it's potentially dangerous to young girls and terrible for "excess" boys. But polyamory is supposed to be a more equal arrangement among agreeing adults.
Each week I am forced to revise my original opinion that Facebook is a great innovation for keeping people in touch, to believing that it is merely a canvas for members to act out strange, unresolved conflicts and desires.
Sure, people talk about all kinds of stuff at the office, but surely everyone has better things to do than sound like they're auditioning for Fox News.
When you have a life milestone happen, it's good to step back and reassess the things you thought you knew about yourself.
Insecurity is a toxin and confidence is a tonic, so make the choice not to dwell on the worst possible case.
I'm wondering how someone who goes around wearing a wedding ring succeeded in the dating pool. Normally a wedding ring sends a flashing "Do Not Enter" message - except to those looking for flings with married people.
The world's full of victims and the world's full of terrible perpetrators and I want them identified and caught.
I've never gotten a letter where I thought I knew the person. But I have heard from people who think they know the letter writer.
It's just not right to make an innocent child suffer because of the father's misdeeds.
Most women at some point or many points in their lives will have to deal with an unwanted advance and having the confidence to be "rude" and say no is an important skill to develop.